exness stop out again

It looks pretty straightforward. You were massively overleveraged, didn't fully hedge, and got fried by spread widening around a major news event.

If your close orders has gotten processed a little faster, that might have saved you. Of course, waiting until the spread is already widening around a news event is not the time to try an emergency close and expect the same reaction time from your platform as in calm markets.
Dear maxbox75,

Our official representative gave you totally correct answer.

On July, 24 your orders were closed due to stop out, because the hedge was not full.

The spread for this currency pair (EURUSDm) was 7.7 at the time, when the first order was closed.

I would be glad to help you, if you have any questions left.
Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me.
Although, maybe your spread is a bit high? how much volatile the market was?
Sounds like a reasonable explanation to me.
Although, maybe your spread is a bit high? how much volatile the market was?

Dear Eddiger,
The spread was wider, because a lot of economic news regarding this financial instrument were published at that time.
So how many representative broker do we have in FPA? I just see HotForex and Exness.

Will have to search each post one by one for the answer:p........but there are a whole bunch of "representatives" posing as FPA members posting beautiful post for Instaforex, Forinvest, and the other scam brokers :cool:.....with a few even starting dialogue with himself/herself posting as two, three, and even four "different" FPA members.
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