Forex FOREX PRO WEEKLY, September 19 - 23, 2023

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA

So, it is no needed to be a prophet to suggest that CPI should make the week, as it has happened, actually. Now we're entering time, when not only absolute numbers are important but the structure of the CP Index, because it could either confirm or disconfirm our long term view on the crisis. Also today we show why this is not a recession, but structural crisis. Word "structural" suggests multiple divergences and skews among basic economical components, when you try to fix one of them but suddenly problems appear in another. Europe has absolutely the same problems but with higher magnitude that hasn't peaked yet. The data that we've got this week totally fits to our long term view, we do not need to change anything, including 0.9 target on EUR/USD. Besides, on Thursday we've put technical background as well, taken view on Dollar Index and its 113+ target on monthly chart.

CPI Universe

Here is the picture that lets you easily understand why current crisis is structural - just compare nominal CPI and core CPI. While nominal numbers are decreasing for the three months from 9.1% to 8.3% YoY, core CPI is rising in the same three months from 5.9 to 6.3%. What does it mean? This is actually what we've talked about already - inflation could start dropping in energy sector due government efforts, economy slowdown and some seasonal factors, but inflation is spreading over all other sectors, pushing price higher.

This is not the problem of gas and oil - the problems are deeper, which are big disbalances in economy, when economy capacity, its productivity hardly lagging behind consumption power, boosted by liquidity printing. The yellow line is Industrial Production index, i.e. how much the US economy produces, while orange line is - how much households consume - the lag shows the disproportion and on how much these line have to converge to set the balance. Just take a look at consumption acceleration - it is totally out of long term natural trend, which is flow into inflation level. Thus, consumption has to drop for ~ 15% to more or less normalize situation.
Another interesting moment - no real growth in Production since 2010 but this is a bit different story...

This explains why financial markets have collapsed at the release day, despite that nominally, inflation has decreased. There are two reasons. The first is well-known, August is the month of falling business activity, prices always fall (although it is not a reason for optimism anyway). But. The fact that they have fell less than expected suggests monetary authorities lack of control over situation.

The second reason is more complicated. Fed is rising the rate and monetary inflation is turned down. But the structural component that we're talking about has not gone away. The US monetary authorities do not see the structural component. Consequently - the indicators levels are underestimated. And yes, inflation has really decreased, as can be seen from the indicators of the cumulative growth of industrial prices:

But this is not all yet. Based on these indicators, it is clear that consumer inflation is artificially underestimated, because producers do not work with a loss for a whole year. The growth of prices for services may lag behind the growth of industrial prices (which reduces the indicators of consumer inflation), but such a bias cannot be for a long time. Therefore, supposedly the real consumer inflation in the United States at the beginning of the summer is at 15-16%, although today it has decreased, somewhere to 12% percent.

This, of course, is personal assessment. But it shows that the difference between real inflation and official figures is quite large (although it has decreased over the past month). What will happen next — we need to look, because, on the one hand, summer (inflation, recall - August to August), and on the other — the midterm elections are coming soon. And no one, by the way, can guarantee that the total industrial inflation couldn't be artificially underestimated as well…

That's being said - the structural crisis is under way, moreover, it is becoming more difficult for official statisticians, who reluctantly try to hide it from the majority of citizens. This is very clearly could be seen in the indicators of retail sales and GDP, which are already falling in almost all (more or less) large economies of the world. And this is with underestimating of inflation rates, as we've said above.

At the same time, it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain the level of households' consumption even at the current levels. Theoretically the budget could be filled by money emission — but this accelerates the inflation. Other source, such as a sale of government securities is also closed, because that they are really unprofitable because of deep negative yield (which is much lower even than official inflation).
But crisis now is exposing more serious problems than statistics' faking. The yield on the real estate market is becoming comparable to the yield on government bonds. Another fruit of structural crisis - distortion of interest rates:

Question: who will invest in real estate in such a situation, given that it is absolutely incomparable risks in these sectors? In fact, we are talking about possible stop of the Real Estate market in the United States. Because the yield of Treasury bonds will grow (since they are lower than official inflation), while the demand for real estate will fall, so the yield in this market will not grow. Could it be stopped as open market and taken under state control? And how much will it cost the budget?

This is a typical fruits of a structural disproportions in economy, when traditional proportions of the ratio of profitability and the volume of financial flows in different industries are violated. Accordingly, risks are growing sharply, which leads to rising of the costs despite of the Fed monetary policy. Roughly speaking, regardless of demand, if your costs have increased by 15-20%, you cannot decrease price, you have to raise them …

It means that big sell-off of real estate by investors is coming. Especially among Wall Street owners. In markets such as Dallas, Austin, Denver, Salt Lake City, Seattle and Los Angeles, the 6-month treasury obligation is already exceeding the marginal rate. This means that investors have very little incentive to work in these markets. Especially now, when prices are falling. Even worse - many Wall Street real estate investors finance their strategy using floating-rate credit lines. Thus, every time the Fed raises rates, their cost of capital in the EXISTING portfolio becomes more expensive. It's like with Gas in Europe.

There are similar processes in the economy of the European Union, in which the tightening of monetary policy lags behind the United States. And inflation there is underestimated, with the same inevitable problems. Now it is absolutely indifferent what country you're watching - the same process GDP drop and Inflation stands across all of them, although with different degree.

Now we have a record of 10.1% annual inflation. But not the nominal number is important - take a look at components. 36% rise prices on energy is not surprising, but 11% rise in food sector - that's what important. Particularly in Germany we have 8.8% inflation but structure looks scaring a bit - the most significant price change stands for heating oil (+111.5%), gas (+83.8%), edible fats and edible oils (+44.5%), dairy products and eggs (+26.8%) meat and meat products (+18.6%), bread and grain products (+17.1%). Drop out energy doesn't help as overall inflation stands around 12-15%.

The worst is yet to come, because in October high wholesale prices for gas and electricity will start to drift into retail prices.

It is impossible to stop it, an increase in the rate could reduce the monetary component of inflation, but will increase the structural one. As a result - an accelerated decline in the wealth and living standards of the population is inevitable, which could cause social problems, strikes, unrests … So the politicians have to solve very difficult problems in the conditions of information clearly limited by liberal experts. The Households wealth has dropped for ~ 6 Trln in IIQ , which is already one of the most big drop in the history.

Epic flows on capital markets

With recent CPI numbers, investors sentiment has changed drastically. Now we consider not 0.5-0.75% Fed move but 0.75-1.0%. The most brave banks that first has said about 1% Fed move was Nomura:
Nomura calls for 100 bps Fed hike in September as speculation rises
In a research note Nomura also said it was raising its forecast for the terminal rate by 50 basis points to 4.50%-4.75% by February 2023. Now take a look again at the chart of Real Estate rates above...

"For some time, we have highlighted an emergence of a wage-price spiral and increasingly unanchored inflation expectations as factors that could keep inflation persistently elevated for longer, requiring a more forceful response from the Fed," the investment bank wrote. "With the latest data, we believe those risks are starting to materialize via higher measured inflation across a broad range of goods and services." While pricing by money market traders leans toward another 75-basis-point rate hike next week, the market odds that the Fed will raise rates by a full percentage point have been rising all day and were last about 35%, up from zero a day before the CPI report.
The market sees the policy rate reaching the 4.00%-4.25% range by the end of this year, and 4.25%-4.5% by March. Nomura predicted that the U.S. central bank would raise its fed funds target rate by 50 basis points at both the November and December meetings.

Now about capital flows...

First is, recall that few months ago, when all these stuff just has started, we said that Fed will take any efforts to stabilize debt market as it is the core and foundation of any economy. If something goes wrong, Fed is ready to pump out liquidity out of any market to stabilize debt. Additionally we've shown you BofA chart showing that households have not started yet to sell their assets on stock market. And without it crush on the stock market is impossible. But now it seems, time has come.

Redistribution of cash flows occurred in the United States is started. In the conditions of problems in the debt market, a steady growth of the stock market is impossible. The flows of American households into the debt market set a record ($440 billion for Q2 2022). Simultaneously with the record flows into bonds, the record outflows from shares has happened - and set in the amount of $ 290 billion for Q2 2022, which became one of the triggers of the record fall in the markets at that time.

Annual flows have turned around – there is a decline in stocks, and an increase in cash flows in bonds. Usually flows move with a negative correlation, i.e., if there is an inflow in stocks, then there is an outflow in bonds and vice versa. In order to redistribute flows, it is necessary to create unacceptable conditions for being in assets and negative expectations, which was created in the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, the debt market was supported by primary dealers, but their margin of safety is limited, because the printing press is disabled.

Rates in the US will explode at an unprecedented pace in the next three months – this is the fastest tightening from the Fed in the last 40 years. The system is extremely vulnerable, because for 13 years economic agents have adapted to zero rates and unlimited liquidity in unlimited volumes.

There are two fundamental problems – an increase in the cost of debt servicing and problems in financing due to a shortage of demand for debt instruments due to record negative real rates and tough financial conditions. One of the solutions, as we've said, is to make unacceptable conditions in the stock market in order to create zero variability of maneuvers for capital flows in order to channel liquidity into debt markets (in the absence of alternatives). In other words, when losses and pain are everywhere, but there is less in bonds (other things being equal) than in stocks. What is the volume of the bond market in the USA? National issuers - 53.4 trillion dollars. The growth of rates is not just some abstract processes and events. The increase in rates directly affects $53 trillion, and only in the bond market. The whole thing needs to be refinanced.

At the moment, it is difficult for me to say how much of this amount is used for refinancing annually. According to preliminary calculations, about 12 trillion, plus a significant part is tied to floating rates. It is also necessary to take into account the annual need for debt increment. Therefore, an increase in rates to 3.5% is at least an additional 500-600 billion overloads in the coming year.

That's being said, The Fed can return back to 2% inflation if it does the following things:
  • Brings down the stock, bond and real estate markets.
  • Allows a serious recession without any external stimulus and money emission.
  • Allows a worse financial crisis than in 2008.
  • Allows the collapse of large banks without saving anyone, including allowing customers to lose their deposits.
  • Force the federal government - cut costs, including drastically reducing spending on social security and medical care.
  • Force the US Treasury to default and restructure the national debt, while Treasury bondholders will have to significantly reduce costs.
The growth of the main currency last week by 1.52% in one day is simply unprecedented. Just imagine that Janet Yellen has turned 1 dollar to 5.5 dollars in the face of a double deficit, and rising inflation for food and rent makes the US dollar grow even faster! One of the largest movements in the Forex market in history. And just to close the inflation topic, I like what Peter Schiff said recently:

Imagine how much higher the CPI would have been if Biden had not depleted the Strategic Oil Reserve. As soon as the reserve is empty, imagine how much oil prices will rise if we ever fill it again. Then imagine how much oil prices will rise if we don't do this.

About the oil problems we will talk tomorrow in our Gold report, and on few other political issues. Now we could say that everything goes in a row with our long-term view. Problems in the US economy are not disappear and crisis effect starts spreading over all economy spheres. Now it seems unnecessary to recall EU situation, which has no chance to overcome the US in strong economy measures. US will squeeze out all financial juices out from EU to support domestic economy, no doubts. Should we change our 0.9 target on EUR/USD? I guess not. That's what about the tactical vision, in perspective of 6-9 months.

Strategic view tells that this game can't last forever as Fed resources are exhausting fast, especially when rate becomes higher. Final collapse is inevitable, but follows after all other markets will be in a ruins. Recall The Economists September 2021 cover - Luna is already in the pit, ETH and BTC are next, stocks come after them, and last queue stands for US Treasury and Fed (i.e. Bond market). And only extraordinary political events could intrude in this process, changing the scenario but not the final result.

No changes this week on monthly chart. Dollar Index has evident signs of potential action to 113 area, so as fundamentally as technically we do not have any reasons to change our long term target as well.

Since we have sharp drop, no strong support area and weak reaction on passed OP - this is a direct road to the next downside targets. Long-term picture on EUR remains bearish, MACD stands bearish as well. No oversold.

With the drop below OP, it is the only direction to XOP, as market enters new extension mode. Our major target that we could calculate is 0.9, nearest local target is 0.9750-0.98, which is 1.27 butterfly extension.

Downside action shows good thrust and appearing of B&B "Sell" here is definitely welcome, but now it is unclear where the pullback is possible, maybe from butterfly target.



Here is difficult to say something definite. No bright patterns are formed by far. Trend has turned bullish and market accurately holds the borders of long term downside channel. Lower border coincides with oversold level. It is not visible on retail broker chart but previous week is a bearish grabber, based on CME futures chart.
It seems that traders just wait for the Fed decision with major intrigue around possible 1% move.


Friday action looks more bullish rather than bearish, as price almost has formed upside reversal bar. And we've discussed theoretical bullish setup, if you remember, although marked it as "for fans only", as chances on success were doubtful.

Daily trend also stands bullish, but with sharp drop after testing of K-resistance area, I would treat current action as the pullback only.


Market is keep playing with 5/8 Fib support. This time it has formed "Morning star" pattern. As we have 3 days until Fed rate decision announcement, EUR could try to show a bit higher pullback, based on this pattern:

For the bears nothing has changed - we still waiting for upside bounce in a way of AB-CD pattern, and appearing of "222" Sell. Whether to take the long position here or not with 1.0090 target - is up to you.
If market occasionally fails to move higher and form "222" pattern, but drop instead below the lows - this is also bearish scenario.

Master Sive.

You know I am one of your biggest followers and want to congratulate you on the IMMENSE efforts you put into helping us understand this complicated business. If you would have been a girl, I would have been in love with you, lol.

Please keep up this excellent work and be blessed!!!
Master Sive.

You know I am one of your biggest followers and want to congratulate you on the IMMENSE efforts you put into helping us understand this complicated business. If you would have been a girl, I would have been in love with you, lol.

Please keep up this excellent work and be blessed!!!
Dear Sive,
I am a big fan, thank you very much for marvellous efforts as usual.

Best Regards
Thank you guys, your support and gratitude helps me a lot to continue. I see that somebody needs what I'm doing here.
Awesome work, please keep up the videos as well. These are very interesting, historical levels. Double the difficulty but double the excitement as well.
absolutely right about dollar patterns mr Sive, i have learnt some key methods from you to analyse the market in at least 60-70% in correct way. i am following you since 2013..... thanks a lot for your efforts
Morning everybody,

Obviously market is quiet as everybody waits for Fed. Now EUR is driven by its own, and our intraday setup of a bit higher pullback is working. By looking at the daily chart - it is difficult to call upside action as reversal. Slow, choppy, multiple overlapping bars - cares all features of retracement:

4H Morning star pattern that we've discussed - is working:

Shape of 1H AB-CD pattern has changed, but idea is the same - upside bounce. CD leg looks slower than AB, this gives more chances to OP rather than XOP. Besides, OP makes an Agreement with 50% Fib resistance level. Now 1.0050-1.0065 area looks as most probable area where EUR could turn down again. Still, volatility might be extreme, as usual during Fed meetings, and some spike outbreak could touch even XOP.

We suggest that 1% Fed change is highly likely now. But even 0.75% move gives nothing good to EUR. Anyway, if you hold longs - think about OP target, maybe it makes sense to book the half of the position, at least. For short-entry we consider 50% OP Agreement area, but if Fed meeting volatility risk is acceptable to you. If not - it would be better to wait until Thu with decision on position taking.
Thank you Sive, for comprehensive analysis as always. I am on the path to becoming a professional wealth manager, which owes a great deal to your daily analysis and insights (I prefare to call them lectures, lol;)) on how to build a trade context and other trade related matters. (You were my first real role model in this industry, in my over 15 years journey. You helped keep my dream of becoming a profitable trader alive when I was very frustrated and almost gave up. God bless you abundantly)

I have received this doses for over 10 years now, and honestly, every of your detailed analysis, especially the weekends own still humbles me every time:)! (I cant help but wonder when I will be this good! I hope so someday:cool:).

I am proud to call you my Mentor, please keep up the great job!!!

"Forex Military School Trading Course" in the book section, still remains the best guide and most complete curriculum to any aspiring professional trader, I have recommended it to all my mentees without any regret!

Personally, I am working on an educational project that should be fully active by 1st - 2nd quarter of 2023, that will lead more clients and users to this site for more tractions and visibility (I hope and pray it significantly increase the commercial value of you and this website). I employ us all to direct more people to this wonderful content, and also share the content is our various social media channel, where applicable.

Your Silent Mentee
Adeyemi Gbadamosi