Getting away from it all


Brigadier General
Tomorrow I'm jumping on a plane to head off into the far and remote boondocks. Not even sure if I'll have internet or not, so I may not be around until the end of the month. If I am around, it will be for very limited time periods.

Try not to get scammed to death while I'm gone. ;)
Please try to give us the head's up if you buy any gold in your travels, I'm sure there still are a few diehards out there willing to sell:p
Tomorrow I'm jumping on a plane to head off into the far and remote boondocks. Not even sure if I'll have internet or not, so I may not be around until the end of the month. If I am around, it will be for very limited time periods.

Try not to get scammed to death while I'm gone. ;)

We gonna miss your posts :(