How can I update my Broker Details and related information on my company's review page?

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FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
How can I update my Broker Details and related information on my company's review page?

Get Registered and Connect Your Account

If you don't have one already, you will need a company representative account. This starts with creating an FPA Forums account, preferably at the same domain as the page reviewed at the FPA. It’s easy to create a Forex Peace Army forums account. If you don't have one already, look for the Register link in the green bar at the top of this page. Look for a confirmation email and click the link in it. If you have trouble registering or with receiving the confirmation email, please CLICK HERE for ways to address the problem.

Second, you will need to login. Visit your company's review page at the FPA and scroll down. Click where it says "Site Representative Signup & Info". If the domain for your email address is a match for the domain of the reviewed website, you'll be connected automatically. If not, please CLICK HERE, fill out the form, and we'll figure out some other way to make sure you really represent the company.

Adding/Updating Company Information

Most updates are very simple things, like a change of address or adding a trading platform. The slow way way to do this is for you to take time, write an email, sent it, and wait for someone here to make the change and send a reply. As of February 13, 2023, the FPA has over 1200 brokers listed, excluding sites that went out of business. This means using the slow way isn't practical. Because of this, the FPA does not accept changes to Broker Details via email.

The fast way is for you to use your representative account to submit the change. You already know what you want changed. Follow these instructions, submit the change, and wait for approval...

Once you are connected, you should see some more options on your review page. If there is a Broker Details box displayed on your page, you should now see a red box that says Add/Edit Company Information.

This feature will let you submit changes. Submissions are generally approved within 2 business days, but occasionally may take as much as a week. Submissions are sometimes checked against the company's website before being approved. If your company offers 35 forex pairs now and adds more pairs, please wait until your website reflects the change before submitting the new number of pairs to the FPA. A company that submits data inconsistent with its own website more than once will have all future submissions checked very carefully, which means its submissions will take longer to process.

Please note that the Established year is based on when your company began accepting clients to trade live accounts. Many brand-new brokers with freshly registered domain names claim to have been in business for 10 or more years. Most of these claims are false. Other brokers either incorporated years before actually opening to clients or bought an old inactive company in order to be able to claim to have been in business longer. If your company has been actively serving customers longer than the domain name had a website, please be prepared to provide information about previous domains and registrations to confirm an older date.

Also note, items with minimums or maximums in broker data should show the best. At this time, there is no option to show separate data based on account type or under different regulators. I hope the database can be improved to handle the situations later.

Sometimes the drop boxes you select items from will lack something. Maybe there's a regulator the FPA doesn't have. Some broker will be the first to offer MT6 when it comes out. Maybe there's a new payment processor that's not in the FPA's list. In these cases, please CLICK HERE, read the instructions, and let us know what's missing.

What About Broker Description Text or FAQ Items?

This depends. If you change your minimum deposit and it's also mentioned in the description or FAQ items, just submit the change of the Broker Details and skip a separate email. Nearly every time, I or one of my people will spot that the change causes a conflict and will correct the text. If the Broker Details get changed and the text isn't updated, then let us know.

If there's already a mention of different leverage or minimum deposits on the text for different account types, submit the best as a Broker Details change if that information will change. Submit the rest via email.

If there are portions of the text requiring significant edit, a picture is appreciated, but only if it also includes the same information as text. You already had to type it to put it into an image file. Please copy/paste the text into the same email that includes the picture so that it doesn't have to be retyped on this end.

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