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Problem Prime4x.com is now Commexfx.com

I am having an issue with a company


Hello guys,

Please Beware!!! Prime4x.com is now CommexFx. Omari and his group of criminal minded friends have floated a new FX company called commexfx.com the company is licensed by Cysec as follows:
CommexFx Ltd (ex Prime Forex Limited) 249, 28th October Str, Lophitis Business Centre - Office 202, CY-3035 Limassol

Please visit the following link to confirm: Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

Traders BEWARE!!!
Hello my friends,
I am working with Prime4x and now commexfx and I am very Happy.
do you have proofs about all this issues or just someone post it because he has personal problems that we do not know.
have you ever think about it?
Are you on crack?

Prime4x closed and left hundreds of traders without any way to withdraw their money.

Omari held back on funds that led to the death of a trader's mother.

If you think this is personal problems, read the truth about what happened here:


and here:


and here:


Omari is a scammer who doesn't care if traders or their families die while he walks off with their money.
Hello my friends,
I am working with Prime4x and now commexfx and I am very Happy.
do you have proofs about all this issues or just someone post it because he has personal problems that we do not know.
have you ever think about it?

Lol check the complaints first before you say anything here.
Hello guys,

Please Beware!!! Prime4x.com is now CommexFx. Omari and his group of criminal minded friends have floated a new FX company called commexfx.com the company is licensed by Cysec as follows:
CommexFx Ltd (ex Prime Forex Limited) 249, 28th October Str, Lophitis Business Centre - Office 202, CY-3035 Limassol

Please visit the following link to confirm: Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

Traders BEWARE!!!

Are you on crack?

Prime4x closed and left hundreds of traders without any way to withdraw their money.

Omari held back on funds that led to the death of a trader's mother.

If you think this is personal problems, read the truth about what happened here:


and here:


and here:


Omari is a scammer who doesn't care if traders or their families die while he walks off with their money.

Lol check the complaints first before you say anything here.

CommexFx.Com is one of the sponsors in Exhibitors & Sponsors - iFX EXPO Asia 2014

what do you think about this?
I see they are sponsoring the wifi. I hope Omari is stupid enough to attend and the Chinese police grab him.