RESOLVED - My Story with XM..

Dear LoRio,
As you see the Ceo of XM wish me good luck
in another word good bye
This time they do not want recover my accounts!!
The fake trade was done by the same XM employee that he did on past but with
help of some one from inside XM that I think will be well protected!!!!

Are your Expert Advisors Enabled?
Are you absolutely certain there is no Signal being followed or an EA forgotten and still running?

I'll be honest with you , i want to hear what the other side has to say about this before jumping to conclusions.
As You said my Case# 2014-041 | lordoftruth vs
is under moderation probably and not yet visible...Let us wait to hear what the other side has to say..
and Let's see where this leads.
Dear Pharaoh,
Is the Thread Case# 2014-041 | lordoftruth vs visible for XM!!!
Are you invited XM to the Thread !!!
I wrote on Forexfactory about My Story with XM
My post was deleted after few minutes and my membership was denied..:mad:


So there are 2 options:

1_ Account was hacked from Different Countries
2_ Fake Trade By XM employee

Please re-read my post above. You only needed to be hacked once. Then your account was misused by more than one group. Most likely, the groups actively cooperate and share access to compromised accounts.

Let me explain Why The first option is impossible on my case:

_ Every small period I changed the passwords with another ones.
_ I used many professionals to check my security and system and everytime and
no malware / key logger bugged on my laptops and PC was found on past or now.
_ There is nothing in XM systems that would indicate any "force" entry.
_ Every time I had problem I changed ISP or I Used new Laptop
_ Never I had same this problem with other broker during this period or before

Once the 2nd wave on fake trades began, your accounts were quickly damaged. It would only have required catching your password over a wifi connection.

Since forex is decentralized, the hackers would only have been interested in accounts from the same broker they use or brokers tied to the same LPs. Other accounts would not have been of use to them.

_To manipulate the markets using money from the controlled accounts at the same time
to temporarily push prices a few pips one way or the other and loosing them in the process while
front running the orders from his own account.

If XM wanted to play that game, they could just manipulate prices on their server. Hacking client accounts, especially those of a major IB, would have been a foolish and not nearly as effective as simple price manipulation.

Check the date and time of the first fake trades in the second incident, then think back to where and how you accessed the internet from your laptop and checked your accounts. I suspect there was an unsecured wifi connection involved at some point.
If XM wanted to play that game, they could just manipulate prices on their server. Hacking client accounts, especially those of a major IB, would have been a foolish and not nearly as effective as simple price manipulation.

I did not tell you XM wanted to play that game

The XM employee did the first and the second fake trades
The First fake trade was done by him from inside XM
The Second fake trade was done by him with help from inside XM

and this the reason why the XM employee was fired after the fake trade with less than 24 hours

XM Can check all his calls
and can check the staff calls to see who helped him this time to did the new fake trade!!
Please re-read my post above. You only needed to be hacked once. Then your account was misused by more than one group. Most likely, the groups actively cooperate and share access to compromised accounts.

Never my accounts was hacked and for this XM compensate me twice
As I told you my accounts was hacked by the same XM employee !!!


Dear LoRio,

No Reply from XM :mad:

As you see, I did not Write anything about My Story with XM on my blog or my FB pages..
Because I am not hear to blame XM ..
I am here trying to find solution to my case
After 4 years of collaboration with XM
After I got 216 Real Accounts and 16 Sub-Affiliates
As I see my voice is not heard
But I still hope to find Solution with XM

I am Gold can check My Blog and My 3 FB Pages..with 1% to 3% Risk
Every Fake Trade was done by the same XM Employee by the same methods.
Every time was very aggressive and used the same pair of currency.
XM compensated me twice on past but now They do not want to recover my accounts
or to find any semi solution to my case, this time..I think they want to protect somebody there!!

I start to get tired ..

After I wrote on Forexfactory about My Story with XM
and My post was deleted after few minutes and my membership was denied by them,
I do not think somebody from XM will reply here.

On few words ..
4 years of collaboration with XM
6 months as official representative in Romania
216 Real Accounts
16 Sub-Affiliates
and 8715$ gone with the wind :mad:

Let us hope that they will reply at Case# 2014-041 | lordoftruth vs
I think will be better to wash our dirty laundry on semi private!!
Hopping this time from XM after my honest and long collaboration to take action

Let us see :confused:

I am not well my friend, I have a serious healthy problem due what happened to me
Try to put yourself om my situation to understand how I feel !!
Dear Samer,

I have been following this thread for a while now and although my colleague Andrey is in charge of answering the thread I really feel the need to answer.

Before you continue going on, on this thread please sit down and think for a few minutes;

1. What is the benefit of XM hacking your account? It makes no sense.
2. Why would XM want to go on bad terms with you for any reason?
3. You made a claim that does not make sense that your account supposingly been hacked by an insider. Please tell me one thing. What would be our benefit for doing so?

You had claimed in the past the exact same thing that you had been hacked and because you worked with XM as an IB the management agreed to pay this money out of our pocket to keep you happy and show our appreciation.

But the same thing happening twice I’m sorry, its starting to not make sense. However although we have been so generous with you the first time you have now turned your guns against us and you are claiming all sorts of non sense things.

I am really terribly sorry but I have been sincerely patient but this whole case is really making no sense to me and making me very upset to be reading this.

Thank you,

Chris A. Zacharia
I have been following this thread for a while now and although my colleague Andrey is in charge of answering the thread I really feel the need to answer.

Before you continue going on, on this thread please sit down and think for a few minutes;

1. What is the benefit of XM hacking your account? It makes no sense.
2. Why would XM want to go on bad terms with you for any reason?
3. You made a claim that does not make sense that your account supposingly been hacked by an insider. Please tell me one thing. What would be our benefit for doing so?

You had claimed in the past the exact same thing that you had been hacked and because you worked with XM as an IB the management agreed to pay this money out of our pocket to keep you happy and show our appreciation.

But the same thing happening twice I’m sorry, its starting to not make sense. However although we have been so generous with you the first time you have now turned your guns against us and you are claiming all sorts of non sense things.

I am really terribly sorry but I have been sincerely patient but this whole case is really making no sense to me and making me very upset to be reading this.

Thank you,

Chris A. Zacharia

Dear Chris,

Is the Case# 2014-041 | lordoftruth vs visible for XM!!!
Please Check.
If it is visible!!! I ask you kindly to read everything.

I Did not turn my guns against XM..
I did not blame XM..
I must be Crazy to do that and to lose everything with no reason!!
After 4 years of collaboration with XM, 216 Real Accounts and 16 Sub-Affiliates.

All of us know from the start of TradingPoint,
From the first moment when you take started,
_How much I love XM and the way that I worked for you till the last month
_How I left my job and how start XM to be the most important thing on my life
_How I worked for you around 6 months as official representative in Romania with no salary..
_How I did all what I can to let your business grow

Dear Chris,

Yes, you let me feel all the time I am member in the big XM Family

Now I am here because I became a victim of one of your staff
Put yourself on my situation and let me know how you feel after all this long Collaboration

As you see,I did not Write anything about My Story with XM on my blog or my FB pages ..etc..
All of us know our job is not easy and I do not have any reason to destroy by myself what I build in 4 years!!

So, I am here hopping till the last moment to find solution with XM
or semi solution to can Keep going with you

So I ask so kindly XM to:

_Check all the calls of this XM employee to me on the last month of 2012 and the first month of 2013 ( Must Translator).

_Tell us how you discovered on Jan/11/2013 that he was behind the first fake trade.

_Tell us How many accounts he manipulated around this period and how before he fired him out.

_Check all his calls with clients to see Why we lost all of our Most of Our Clients the last year.

_To check his calls to me on Jan/11/2013.

_To call some of our clients to see why they left XM and how he do that to get them to another broker.

_To tell us about My calls to Andy April/04/2013..and how they discover the That he did the second fake trade with help from inside XM.

_To tell us about Andreas call to him on the same date and why he became crazy starting to warn me and contact everyone of our clients to leave to another broker.

_To tell us how many accounts he had with XM.

_To check my 2 calls to XM on Aug/15/2013 to see how my orders was closed by phone.

_To give us an explanation how the fake trade start after few hour after I left Romania on the same date

_To check all the staff calls ( Romanian Department) to him to let us know who help him from inside XM this time:
around the date Aug/15/2013
around the date Dec/02/2013
around the date Jan/21/2014

_ To tell us why Andy this time told me by e-mail
"I am sorry. I do believe you my friend, but my hands are tied here."
and to tell us why his hand are tied and who want to protect!!

_ To tell us why My Account Manager was very angry when she called me to tell me
" ...The person that he did the fake trade left XM for a long time...It is not our fault .. we pay you !!!!!! It is you responsibility..physically it is not possible..sorry for bad news.."

_ To tell us why Andreas called me to told me with waning tone
"...we lose with you..Recovering became you want to report about not forget you are our partner.. it is not our fault ..XM will not pay you ..bla..bla..that is..).

_ To ask Matt about the way that I promoted XM during all the period to let us know how around 2000$ gone on promotion and to let us know if one of my 216 clients trade this month.(all of them gone to another broker)

_ To tell us if I got from XM any salary for 6 months as official representative in Romania and how I was informed that I became just IB and why

_ To tell us why when I wrote on Forexfactory about My Story with XM
My post was deleted after few minutes and my membership was denied there.

A lot of questions that need answers here ..
Hopping this time from XM after my honest and long collaboration to take action
finding a solution or semi solution to my case

Thanking in Advance
King Regards,