What makes the FPA’s Performance Tests better than other sites?

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FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
What makes the FPA’s Performance Tests better than other sites?

The Forex Peace Army goes to great efforts to keep its Performance Tests superior to all other MT4 sharing sites. The set of features used at the FPA ensures that you can see how a product or service really performed.

1. Some sites let you chose a start date. Imagine if a product lost 50% of the account and then started to make a little money. If they chose the date of the greatest loss, the product would look successful. The FPA shows ALL information starting with the first deposit.

2. No other filtering or hidden info.

100% of closed trades are always displayed. Other MT4 sharing sites offer features allowing only certain trades to be shown or allow specific information to be hidden. The only hidden items in FPA PTs are pending and open trades. This is done to prevent people from copying the trades.

Floating P/L always displayed.

Some sharing sites may keep floating profit and loss hidden. This allows a perfect trading record by never closing losing trades. The FPA shows the total amount of profit or loss from all open trades.

3. All test are on live accounts.

Since September 30, 2013, all Forex Peace Army Performance Tests have been on live accounts.

4. Minimum balance for restarts.

Some companies kept closing tests in loss and replacing them with new accounts which were in profit. As soon as losses began, the test would be replaced or a new product would be released. Because of this, the FPA implemented rules setting minimum opening balances for new tests after a company had one or more tests end in significant drawdown.

Doing this reduced the total number of tests. This is because many companies which offer their EAs, Signals, or Managed Accounts for large amounts of money can’t even afford the price of their own service for a live account.

This has also kept many products and services which will make profits in the short run and lose it all in the long run from using the Performance Testing program to try to gain new clients.

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