
3.414 • 3 REVIEWS
Out of business Jeff Wilde
Updated: Apr 13, 2022
Website is down. Company seems to be out of business.
Out of business
3.414 • 3 REVIEWS

Recent User Reviews of

Oct 8, 2010,

Purchased this product sometime ago and had tech problem. After several msg exchanges with J. Wilde and his programmer, problem was never resolved , requested refund and never got it. So Buyer Beware, Very unprofessional. A lesson learned...if vendor does not use clickbank, be wary, you may not get your refund even if their sales letter guarantees you will get your money back within 30-60 days.
Jun 22, 2009,

I purchased this system and in 3 days in a demo I made 2500 pips and I am a newbie trader, so I was surprised and quickly emailed Jeff to make sure that my calculations were correct. The system is KISS and makes perfect sense to me. I will be demo trading for a few more weeks before I go live.

Review Moderation Team Note: Leigh, we've taking the rating off your review. Please note that strongly positive ratings may not be left solely on the basis of demo trading .We hope that Leigh will leave a followup if you decide to trade with this live for a few weeks!
Armin R.
Jun 8, 2009,

Hi Everyone.

Have posted a message about Jeff Wilde on one of his earlier threads. This is just more or less a confirmation, so more people know about him. He really is another one of the good guys that actually trades the forex and doesn't charge an arm and a leg for his system. Another one that gives back much more than he receives. Seems to have a really good sense of humour and is just an ordinary person like you and I that seems to be reasonably successful at trading the forex.
At first glance his system seems almost too easy to actually work but work it does. And it does so because he's put a huge amount of trial and error into perfecting it. When you come across it, it's one of those things that will give you an "aha" moment and you'll say, of course! How obvious! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT! It's easy enough for anyone to understand and implement and will make small consistent gains over the long run as long as you don't get greedy and FOLLOW THE RULES. When and if you have time go have a look at his website and see if you like what you find there. By the way, I have found that his system and Black Dog Trading System complement each other very well. I know that it sounds like I'm trying to get you to spend a lot of money and I'm sorry for that but any money I've spent on the forex I look at as an investment, and a learning experience, and unfortunately I have made my share of mistakes. Jeff Wilde's system works pretty good and is super simple. He provides great support and looks like he is in it for the long run. All the best to all of you in your trading.

Kindest regards,

Armin R.
Oct 4, 2008,

I purchased Jeff's system and am very pleased. It is simple to learn and implement. I highly recommend it!