Primus-Alpha Demo Account Stopped test

by Site closed
+1.93% WEEKLY · 65.5 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+33 (Gross Pips: +2,441)
Average P/L per Week:
+1.72% (Gross P/L: +249.65%)
Maximum Equity used:
19.27% (Jul 8, 2011, 5:56:00 AM)
Test started:
Jan 14, 2011
Test Stopped:
Apr 17, 2012 (Tested 65.5 weeks)
Abandoned Test

We appreciate NexGen4x sharing demo performance of their Primus Alpha EA with our readers!

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06.12.12 Test stopped. No activity since 4/17.

03.28.11 Primus-Alpha Demo test started with help of Investor Access...

Description: Primus-Alpha uses two primary strategies based on two very simple yet effective techniques. Unlike many expert advisors that only work for a year or two, Primus-Alpha has proven it has been, and can be, profitable for many years. Primus-Alpha's strategy considers trend direction, support and resistance levels, possible price swings, psych levels and a handful of other leading indicators to determine the best possible opportunity for trading. Additionally, Primus-Alpha takes advantage of draw down situations by placing grid orders that capitalize on the original signal. This strategy, when triggered, actually reduces the risk / reward ratio of Strategy #1 and Strategy #2 down to 2:1. Coupled with a fantastic 85-90% win ratio, you can see why Primus-Alpha is so successful.