Etrade-Guru Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
+0.52% WEEKLY · 8.8 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+78 (Gross Pips: +682)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.52% (Gross P/L: +4.68%)
Maximum Equity used:
0.56% (Jul 1, 2011, 3:00:00 PM)
Test started:
Jun 2, 2011
Test Stopped:
Aug 3, 2011 (Tested 8.8 weeks)
Multiple Statements Available

We appreciate managers sharing the performance of their real trading account with forexpeacearmy community !

Owner description: Although you may be interested in the possible benefits of forex trading, you may not have the time or knowledge to trade for yourself. We cater to busy investors who prefer to rely on our expertise. Etrade-guru looks after your money as if it were our own. Our multi-disciplined approach to trading involves a blend of Price Action techniques and technologies. Asset allocations are thoughtfully determined according to risk parameters and reward expectations. The ultimate objective is minimizing risk while trying to also maintain,high portfolio returns. All our trade has Sheath stop loss not more that 160pip.

Please note that this is cent account...

08.03.2011 Etrade-Guru Real test stopped as owner experience often errors with Exness and want to change broker...
06.02.2011 This real account belongs to customer. As per customer request the balance transferred to another broker and the test is restarted. You can see the previous test results in drop-down menu.
05.06.11 Etrade-Guru Real test started with help of Investor Access...