Fx Equity Builder EA Demo Account Stopped test

by FxEquityBuilder.com
Site closed
+1.97% WEEKLY · 11.1 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+157 (Gross Pips: +1,743)
Average P/L per Week:
+1.97% (Gross P/L: +24.16%)
Maximum Equity used:
0% (Mar 30, 2010, 5:41:00 PM)
Test started:
Jan 11, 2010
Test Stopped:
Mar 30, 2010 (Tested 11.1 weeks)

05.05.10 This account was disabled by Alpari UK...
We are stopping the test until the owner gives us access to a replacement account.

12-30-09 FX Equity Builder is upgraded to version 3.0. Performance test is restarted.

v2.0 statistic (Tested for 8.4 weeks):
Average Pips per Week: +33 (Gross Pips: 276)
Average Equity per Week: +1.15% (Gross Equity: 10.05%)
11-23-09 FX Equity Builder is upgraded to version 2.0. Performance test is restarted.

v1.5 statistic (Tested for 10.5 weeks):
Average Pips per Week: 206 up (Gross Pips: 2158)
Average Equity per Week: 6.39% up (Gross Equity: 91.7%)
This version of Fx Equity Builder EA is hosted and maintained by the developers team and ForexPeaceArmy.com monitors the account with investor access.
As per developers risk settings for this test were aggressive, Risk=4; also this software utilizes broker-specific time trade settings.