SolidFXInvest EA Portfolio Demo Account Stopped test

by Site closed
-0.75% WEEKLY · 16.9 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-1 (Gross Pips: -20)
Average P/L per Week:
-0.75% (Gross P/L: -11.92%)
Maximum Equity used:
27.38% (Jan 24, 2013, 12:34:00 AM)
Test started:
Sep 29, 2012
Test Stopped:
Jan 25, 2013 (Tested 16.9 weeks)

We appreciate sharing their EA performance on a demo in parallel to a REAL account performance with traders community! Clik here to view the Real Test

Please address ALL questions regarding the settings of this EA to support. The FPA is monitoring this EA using the investor password and has no access to the settings being used.

2013-01-25 Test stopped for the parallel real test suffered crash and burn.

2012-12-10 SolidFXInvest EA Portfolio Demo Test started with help of Investor Access...

Description: This is not just another EA: this is a portfolio of the best EAs of the Forex industry that are not for sale anywhere else! Because of our active loss control and trail profits the performance is very reliable, and allows it to use it high risk settings without really risking your account. It makes very few and very conservative trades per day, each entry is carefully designed and not biased or over optimized.