Ponzi Scheme Managed Account Question - Courtenay House Trading Group

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Maybe it can be done here? I'm not a legal person so don't really know.

I know people involved with this scam and have warned them many times not to go into it but to no avail, they were of the line "Tony is a great guy" and "how could it possibly be a Ponzi scheme?"

I know people who have borrowed to go into this nonsense
I know that 'investors' were offered commissions to get other 'investors' into the erm.....'investment' as is the way with most Ponzi schemes. Seems wrong that they should walk away with more of later 'investors' money
I'm not sure how they live with themselves knowing that they've dragged more people into this mess
Maybe it can be done here? I'm not a legal person so don't really know.

I know people involved with this scam and have warned them many times not to go into it but to no avail, they were of the line "Tony is a great guy" and "how could it possibly be a Ponzi scheme?"

I know people who have borrowed to go into this nonsense
I think we have to mobilize ourselves. Perhaps at the liquidators meeting? Look before I joined up I was very sceptical but then I began to see the results my daughter was getting and I fell into the trap. Also I rang about 8 investors and they told me they were getting results for the past 5 or six years so I gave it a go. I only wanted to put in $50000 but David convinced me to put in $200000 otherwise I would not be eligible for the higher return. Such a conman with all his photos of himself with politicians and luxury cars etc.etc. The presentation room with potential investors and a supposedly trader in the midst. All looked legit. He even accompanied me to the NAB bank downstairs to transfer the money. What a joke. I hope he pays for this unscrupulous behaviour big time. I've heard that there have been death threats. And then Tony so sweet in his office and such a nice guy? Sickening. I want to puke.
I did this so that I could help my kids with a deposit. All down the gurgler.
The clawback clause you guys mention above - may be a legal avenue to request through consultation with ASIC and the appointed liquidator. I have a few friends who were introduced by a guy called Anthony Kassis a realestate agent from the eastern suburbs, apparently a wealth property developer who was involved at the inception of CHTG. He introduced a number of my friends to CHTG whom made large sums of money investments with CHTG - and they said he would tell them he would make over $25K to $40K a month in commissions, despite only investing a fraction of what they invested.

If the payout % of liquidated funds is very small, investors can try claim funds from these people that have been profiting most at inception of CHTG.
I think we have to mobilize ourselves. Perhaps at the liquidators meeting? Look before I joined up I was very sceptical but then I began to see the results my daughter was getting and I fell into the trap. Also I rang about 8 investors and they told me they were getting results for the past 5 or six years so I gave it a go. I only wanted to put in $50000 but David convinced me to put in $200000 otherwise I would not be eligible for the higher return. Such a conman with all his photos of himself with politicians and luxury cars etc.etc. The presentation room with potential investors and a supposedly trader in the midst. All looked legit. He even accompanied me to the NAB bank downstairs to transfer the money. What a joke. I hope he pays for this unscrupulous behaviour big time. I've heard that there have been death threats. And then Tony so sweet in his office and such a nice guy? Sickening. I want to puke.
I did this so that I could help my kids with a deposit. All down the gurgler.

I think that's a really good idea. The liquidators meeting is a good place to start to see who would be interested in pursuing our own lawsuit or do something! I think spending a bit more money to go after these guys might be woth it. I don't really care what happens, I just to want to make life as extremely difficult for them and look them in the eye. Apparently someone posted recently there are a few of us hiring PI's to gather as much info as possible and then attempt the suits which sounds good to me.
I think if I were the directors of CHTG I'd be leaving the country. At least those who can. Tony I'm fairly sure will be moving out of Sydney before the lynching mob is formed.
If the rest of you are as angry as me, and when I see the address of where they live being posted along with the reverse find address of Tony's mobile phone number I suspect people are looking for them already. When reality has set in that they have stolen our money and they have close to none of it to recover, we need to take legal action. Freeze personal accounts etc. and at least have them jailed at the end of the day.
When the next investors meeting is held by the liquidator it's probably going to be too late. ASIC are now aware it's a Ponzi scheme and should be treating the other directors the same as Tony and preventing them from leaving the country. Make them all face the music.
Is David's email still auto responding he's on holidays....
I scrimped and saved for 30 years, for these *******s to run away with it in 6 months. Better they did it now because I was looking at investing a further amount if it was all still going well in July, so I'm happy I've saved that, as that was going to start to digging into the house equity. I had been ramping up each time I had 10% returned and thought I couldn't lose from the point I was at (unless it was a Ponzi scheme).
I don't know any lawyers and I don't know any hitmen, so if anyone knows someone interested in taking this on for a bunch of poor people, bring details to the meeting (better make it clear I mean lawyer, in case some one offers a hitman, or they get taken out).
I heard some had invested for more than a couple of years, but I thought this had only been set up for a couple according to some of the documents. Investors who they advertised had invested for much longer.
I wonder if there was any drug money invested with them. Those type may not be as easy going about losing their money as some of us.
Can we all get together at some place and discuss some form of attack? I live on the Northern beaches and am willing to offer my place for a meeting or perhaps we can go to some convenient RSL club. How many people are interested?
Hi Studentessa,

I think it is a great idea that we form a sort of working group however I am a long long way from you in the Northern Beaches, I live about 3 1/2 hours from where you are on a good day.

I am calling GT today to see if I can appoint someone to represent me and my vote at the meeting, like a proxy. I have obtained legal advice and I should be able too, however the solicitor stated that I would need to provide an authority to do so.

I intend appointing the gentlemen I met a week or so ago who has also been doing some digging for myself and some other clients as well. I think they are asking him to do for them what he is doing for me.

Also I am not sure of the exact post but someone mentioned that the ***holes assets may not be frozen and if that is the case I am reporting anything and everything to ASIC, if I am a pest so be it. I was told to contact GT about it on Friday who then told me to call ASIC as it does not, at this stage, fall under their preliminary investigations.

I am sick of the ball being tossed backwards and forwards on this so I am going to email, call and make a nuisance of myself about CH/CHCTG.

Happy to provide details of the gentleman acting for us if there is anyone within the Syd Metro area that could use some help, I will just ask him first though.

Strength to us all.
Hi Studentessa,

I think it is a great idea that we form a sort of working group however I am a long long way from you in the Northern Beaches, I live about 3 1/2 hours from where you are on a good day.

I am calling GT today to see if I can appoint someone to represent me and my vote at the meeting, like a proxy. I have obtained legal advice and I should be able too, however the solicitor stated that I would need to provide an authority to do so.

I intend appointing the gentlemen I met a week or so ago who has also been doing some digging for myself and some other clients as well. I think they are asking him to do for them what he is doing for me.

Also I am not sure of the exact post but someone mentioned that the ***holes assets may not be frozen and if that is the case I am reporting anything and everything to ASIC, if I am a pest so be it. I was told to contact GT about it on Friday who then told me to call ASIC as it does not, at this stage, fall under their preliminary investigations.

I am sick of the ball being tossed backwards and forwards on this so I am going to email, call and make a nuisance of myself about CH/CHCTG.

Happy to provide details of the gentleman acting for us if there is anyone within the Syd Metro area that could use some help, I will just ask him first though.

Strength to us all.

I would love the details of the gentleman working for you. How can I provide my details privately?