Ponzi Scheme TadawulME / Exential Group:

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Why is it that all investors instead of heeding warnings,are always asking for proof that it is a Ponzi. Rather than asking the Scheme owner to prove it is not.

Some are finally understanding the danger their money is in, and trying to withdraw. Do not be caught with your pants down this time around. You have been warned.

To give all the investors/gamblers and anyone still considering this scam, clarity on the way you are being scammed, I will try and keep this as easy to understand as I can:

There is a FX part to this Ponzi. Beware it is only a tiny part of it - to give it the air of legitimacy.

Only $50000 (plus $ to cover huge loss in Dec14-Jan15) has ever been invested in FX by this scheme, a drop in the ocean from all the funds investors have given them. - but scary in itself.

You are given access to the myFxbook stats – ANALYSE THEM!. There is 1, and only 1 account with an average investment of $50 000 ( = 2.5 investor/accounts), it is symbolic in nature. Your actual money is never invested in FX.

They claim this account, the “Master”, represents yours. They claim it is “mirrored” and therefore is a representation of your account. Your account is similar to this, but you do not see it, and cannot access it - TRUST US they claim.

The reality is, out of all their customer funds (Millions of $ according to them – probably true) ONLY 1 FX trading ACCOUNT of $50000 exists – the one you have access to and see online. The “Master”

It is like one individual 'show home' at a property marketing event – there is only 1! - but they promise yours also exists and is identical “mirrored”(to use their exact marketing phrases).

The reality is that money deposited by the investors is not used on the FX market, instead it is taken to pay profits to existing members and the rest is taken by the owner, you only see fictitious profit statements in the system. Your money is not invested in FX, only a symbolic $50000 has ever been invested.

They do not even try hard to cover up the facts from people who actually believe a mirrored account exists and believe their money is invested in FX .

Check the Profits on their website vs Myfxbook stats!

FACT: Not enough profit/gain is made even in the “Show home/Master account” to cover your monthly profit of 9%. (myfxbook stats from 2015).

Where are your profits coming from? You guessed it. New members: Classic Ponzi 101

Get out if you still can!

A huge loss was incurred in Dec -Jan - 65% loss. Reason CHF devaluation. Did your profits incur a loss - of course not. 9% as usual..

They recapitalized the “Show Home” - symbolic “Master” account, to cover the loss- and all looks rosy again.

Did they ask you to recapitalize (put additional $ in to cover the loss, as they did in the “Master account) – course not, did your balance drop? - course not. Your money was never invested in FX anyway.

Demand your money back before you lose it all - there might still be time.

Others are already clambering for the door.

Time is up for this Ponzi.
As long as the investing doesnt stop these guys will continue to con many more, its sad to see many more of my fellow colleagues falling into this scam everyday. every flight there is someone or more opening new accounts. So as long as these crooks can show that everone is making money many more will be lured into this trap. Friends' friends encouraging eachother to take part in this, I can also see it on my facebook many of my crew friends being invited to join and so forth, what i see is its even spreading faster than ever.
Until the investing stops there will be many more poor souls falling into this.

Why is it that all investors instead of heeding warnings,are always asking for proof that it is a Ponzi. Rather than asking the Scheme owner to prove it is not.
I am not a Forex trader. I am part of Emirates Airline and I can say that on every single flight there is at least 2-4 people that have 1-2-3-4 accounts with Exential Group.
The first time that I heard about Tadawul ME ( exential) was back in 2012. I did not invest because i was feeling that was a scam and honestly whoever in this post is saying that they do not care and until they get profit they are happy I just say that they should feel ashamed of themself.
The money that is their profit is the money of a colleague, a friend that perhaps has been influenced by them, directly or indirectly.
I tried to convince people regarding Exential being a ponzi scheme mostly because they are people that i know, that i care for, they did not wanted to listen.
I have tried then to maybe give another chance to Exential looking up all the informations and I need to correct some of the info in this post.
Exential does the 'trading' by their self.
S&S brokerage is NOT their broker. I spoke with someone from S&S in the phone that perhaps is payed by Exential and he told me:
Exential is our client.
We do NOT make any trading for them neither we give any software to use to them.
So what do you do for your client?
I cannot disclose this kind of informations. But if you want to invest with them please go ahead.
S&S Brokerage House
P.O. Box: 77034
506, Al Fattan Plaza,
Airport Road Garhoud
Dubai. UAE
Phone:+971 4 6083000

Then Spoke with FCI on the international number +1 855 334 4821.

I asked the same questions and the answer were:
We do NOT have any relation with Exential.
We do NOT trade for them.
There is some of the clients of exential that are trading with us.
We have an office in Garhoud airport road.
I will send you the details via email because is not present in the website.

Now there will be who will attack me saying that some things are like this, that in Dubai nothing is clear, that if you want to make money you need to risk.
at all of this I answer that is all Bullsh*t.
60% of people invest knowing that is Ponzi scheme and that they will have their profit from a collegue or a friend trying to get new people.
20k is not an amount that you can afford to risk when your salary on yearly basis is 35-45k.
That money buys in most of asian, african, south-central american countries a house, an office, a piece of land. in the rest can be a downpayment of a house, the end of the mortgage of your parents, the study for your brother-sister-son-daughter. In my country is 1-2 year salary of an average worker in eastern europe is 4-5 years.
At last, this thread is rapidly turning from suicidal nonsense to rational opinion.

I hope when this scam collapses that anyone who knew it was a Ponzi and recruited others anyway ends up facing some harsh consequences. If nothing else, the airlines should fire scumbags like this.
I am not a Forex trader. I am part of Emirates Airline and I can say that on every single flight there is at least 2-4 people that have 1-2-3-4 accounts with Exential Group.
The first time that I heard about Tadawul ME ( exential) was back in 2012. I did not invest because i was feeling that was a scam and honestly whoever in this post is saying that they do not care and until they get profit they are happy I just say that they should feel ashamed of themself.
The money that is their profit is the money of a colleague, a friend that perhaps has been influenced by them, directly or indirectly.
I tried to convince people regarding Exential being a ponzi scheme mostly because they are people that i know, that i care for, they did not wanted to listen.
I have tried then to maybe give another chance to Exential looking up all the informations and I need to correct some of the info in this post.
Exential does the 'trading' by their self.
S&S brokerage is NOT their broker. I spoke with someone from S&S in the phone that perhaps is payed by Exential and he told me:
Exential is our client.
We do NOT make any trading for them neither we give any software to use to them.
So what do you do for your client?
I cannot disclose this kind of informations. But if you want to invest with them please go ahead.
S&S Brokerage House
P.O. Box: 77034
506, Al Fattan Plaza,
Airport Road Garhoud
Dubai. UAE
Phone:+971 4 6083000

Then Spoke with FCI on the international number +1 855 334 4821.

I asked the same questions and the answer were:
We do NOT have any relation with Exential.
We do NOT trade for them.
There is some of the clients of exential that are trading with us.
We have an office in Garhoud airport road.
I will send you the details via email because is not present in the website.

Now there will be who will attack me saying that some things are like this, that in Dubai nothing is clear, that if you want to make money you need to risk.
at all of this I answer that is all Bullsh*t.
60% of people invest knowing that is Ponzi scheme and that they will have their profit from a collegue or a friend trying to get new people.
20k is not an amount that you can afford to risk when your salary on yearly basis is 35-45k.
That money buys in most of asian, african, south-central american countries a house, an office, a piece of land. in the rest can be a downpayment of a house, the end of the mortgage of your parents, the study for your brother-sister-son-daughter. In my country is 1-2 year salary of an average worker in eastern europe is 4-5 years.

I have highlighted the sentence I want to comment on.

This sort of an attitude is not uncommon out there. A lot of participants in these sort of schemes become part of the scheme. Sort of like affiliates who have their own equity in the heinous agenda.
Hi everyone

Had a nice meeting with one of the Exential representative at their office in Media City.
Went for the meeting after reading the 13 pages of this thread, and ask some of the hard questions : who are the owners of the company, what guarantee do I have you won't run away with my money, when a performance is too good to be true then usually it is, why is it so opaque, why not to give a Read only access to the trading account, how Exential story is different from MMA etc...
Not all the answers I got were very detailed, but I could feel the person I had in front of me had probably heared those questions before and was well prepared.
The meeting lasted one hour.

Well, my gut feeling is that it's not all transparent, and maybe there is something fishy there. But the guy I had in front of me seemed pretty confident in what he was saying. He also mentionned that Exential is expanding internationally, with shortly offices in Hungary, Australia etc....

Soooooo. ...
I guess just like many of their clients, greed is guiding my mind, and I am about to open an account with them. Finger crossed, all of it will not collapse in the next 12 months, till I recoup my investment.

I have a question. They offer now the option to choose between 2 brokers:
- FCI Market, based in the UAE, where the account will be in AED. The problem is that the account with FCI is a segregated account in the name of Exential and not my name
- Ellipsys, based in Mauritius. There the segrateted account will be in my name, but it's in Mauritius ....

Which option among those 2 would you recommend, and why ?


Just to comment, Ellipsys Financial Markets (Ellipsys- Financial Markets) is a company who the Director, Mr. Haameem Khizer (https://www.linkedin.com/vsearch/p?f_CC=4821257&trk=rr_connectedness) is the Right Hand of an Fraudulent Indian Investor Mr. Riaz Asgar Patel, has been implicated with Money Laundering, Terrorism!
Please check some post from this Mr. Riaz Asgar Patel.
- Robson to push on with NZX listing despite SFO investigation | The National Business Review (THIS ONE IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!, DO A SEARCH ON THE PAGE AND LOOK FOR THE SENTENCE "Haameem Khizer", POST NUMBER, #10, #11, #15, #24, #35, #37)
- https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/fore...l-wsd-india-wsd-direct-etc-etc-etc-scams.html
- Check who Mr. Hameem Khizer follow on twitter - Mr. Riaz Asgar Patel - https://twitter.com/hkhizer/followers

* Please see the Incorporation Certificate from ellipsys attached to this post. "Incorporation Certificate Ellipsys Financial Markets.pdf"

Do you believe in a firm that is related to those types of persons?


  • IB Entre TadawulMe & FCI & Brokerage House.jpg
    IB Entre TadawulMe & FCI & Brokerage House.jpg
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  • Incorporation Certificate Ellipsys Financial Markets.pdf
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At last I begin reading comments giving me hope. Hope that people will realize this is a scam. Realize that you can't make that much money every month, constantly, consistently without ever incurring a single loss. I have encouraged people to learn about forex, technical analysis, how to use your own ( or otherwise available ) automated trading tools with Metatrader... But none are interested. So maybe as the word begins to spread, people will begin thinking and if they are not thinking, act by fear and pull their money out before it's too late.
Hi , just wondering why tadawul makes clients to withdraw there money via there site on internet this is weird cuz the money not suppose to be with them at all ,,am with another company now and my money is at uae and i can see my account live (evry moment and i know what is going one ,
And i get my money after 48 hrs max after withdrawal while tadawul takes (15 WORKING DAYS ) why is that delay and where is my money during this time ..anybody have an answer??
Me to ,,i am part of emirates and now i closed my investments with them am now with a company called smart forex funds now and my money is at uae and i can see my account live (evry moment and i know what is going on ,
And i get my money after 48 hrs max after withdrawal while tadawul takes (15 WORKING DAYS ) why is that delay and where is my money during this time