2013 Highlights at Forex Peace Army

2013 Highlights at Forex Peace Army
  1. HFX.com
  2. Forexoma.com
  3. LiteForex.com UPDATE: This Scam Finding was resolved in October, 2017
  4. 4XP.com
  • The 2013 Scam of the Year polls will remain open until March 20th, 2014. Please click here and cast your vote.
  • 2014 already has its first two nominees. That vote will begin in early 2015.

    I saved one of the best pieces of news from the year for last

  • The Scam-rated broker InvestTechFx needs new owners. The current ones are hiding from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
  • What the Canadian police report about InvestTechFx’s actions closely matches what the FPA reported when InvestTechFx was declared to be a scam back in 2011. InvestTech was also 2011’s winner of the FPA’s Forex Broker Scam of the Year Award.
  • InvestTechFx managed to keep scamming for years before the police tried to arrest the owners. InvestTechFx got its first serious complaints in the FPA’s reviews in 2009. Remember this the next time someone tells you “This broker can’t be a scam because they are still in business after all these years.” Some scams fold quickly. Others can drag on for many years. There are two reasons for this. Some people are unaware of the scam warnings. Others chose to ignore the scam warnings. This is why all FPA members need to try to spread the word and convince traders not to do business with scammers.

Author Profile

AsstModerator FPA

AsstModerator FPA

Bill started off as the Assistant Moderator to the FPA's forums in December 2007. Not long after, he was promoted to being the forums administrator. Even with the promotion, he kept the same username, which led to some very amusing conversations with people who didn't know that Bill and AsstModerator were the same person.

Being blamed for everything people disagreed with in the forums wasn't enough punishment for Bill. A few months after becoming the forums admin, he started making suggestions to improve the moderation of the FPA's reviews. Now Bill is the person who gets blamed for everything people get blamed for in the forums and reviews.


2741 Views 6 Comments


10 years ago,
Registered user
Great year end wind-up news Assist Moderator;).....will the news "Assist Moderator promoted to Senior Moderator" be in 2015 FPA news?? :p
10 years ago,
Registered user
> Great year end wind-up news Assist Moderator;).....will the news "Assist Moderator promoted to Senior Moderator" be in 2015 FPA news?? :p

Great work. I second the motion. All those in favour say 'Aye'
Lucy Wang
10 years ago,
Registered user
I have to say, I am grateful to the FPA Moderators who helped me recover the hard earned from InvestTechFx four years ago ! you saved a family!!! Thanks a lot!
10 years ago,
Registered user
I only wish I had been aware of the FPA four years ago ......
10 years ago,
Registered user
Yeah , much thanks to FPA where I grew out of prior loss records . Winning streak for 2012 n 2013. Cheers n heartfelt thanks to every army personnel for helping us swimming along side the killer whales and sharks.
10 years ago,
Registered user
> Great year end wind-up news Assist Moderator;).....will the news "Assist Moderator promoted to Senior Moderator" be in 2015 FPA news?? :p

I started out as the assistant moderator of the forums. I've been promoted a few times since then, but never changed my username. I'm the primary Admin of the forums and reviews. Above me is the Supreme Admin. He takes care of all the back end issues and leaves the front end to me. Above him is Dmitri (aka Felix), our founder.