
  1. Scam Reporters


    PART 1 Online trading scam broker called FSM Smart is part of an incredibly large scam group, rarely spoken of or systematically exposed, due to many illegal unconnected brands and quite complicated and fluid network of shells, off-shores, PSPs and BPOs worldwide. Indeed smartly put, the name...
  2. leinha


    Hi, I was cheated by MXTRADE and they stole 40 thousand dollars. I was told I would have to pay $ 15,000 insurance to recover my account that the broker made the wrong investments! I sold my car, lost all my savings and they never came back to me, that's a crime to me and I ask for help! I'm...
  3. C


    MX Trade scammed me into making a huge investment from my credit card and after telling them that I was not comfortable doing this and perhaps wanted to start with a practice account I was told that I should start using a live account. I felt very uncomfortable about this along with the money...
  4. M

    GUILTY Case# 2016-191 | mithunkumarjain vs

    Original FPA Traders Court Submission: I am submitting the case against: My Case is: Hi Forex Peace Army, Summary of the Case: I started with on in mid Aug-2016. Mr Christian Paw was my assigned manager from MX Trade. Christian and me has few call and I started...
  5. M

    MX Trade: Not returning funds to customers

    Hi Forex Peace Army, Summary of the Case: I started with on in mid Aug-2016. Mr Christian Paw was my assigned manager from MX Trade. Christian and me has few call and I started trading on MT4 platform. On 4th Sep, Sunday, market is closed, and all my open trades and pending trades...
  6. cchiou


    I am currently having a problem withdrawing my funds from MXTRADE. Can i ask if anyone had a similar problem and how you went about withdrawing your funds from them? I haven't been told anything, the thing is with my account is I have my original capital, my profits and the credits they gave...
  7. I

    My withdrawal problem with MxTrade

    Good morning I also find myself in the situation that I am being denied the withdrawal of my capital paid and indeed be asked me (on the phone today) to pour more capital to get back in four days all my capital, before the prize sum I it was given in the terms and then to my answer of no...
  8. burakalan


    Hello, I have been client for MXTRADE for more than 1 year. Two weeks ago was the first time that I wanted to withdraw my money. I already send the request (more than 5 times by email) and everytime I call them or chat they cannot help because they say they are only customer service and cannot...
  9. A

    MXTrade fraud

    Hello everyone, I fell in this scam. MXTrade is also active in Germany. I first time in 1500 paid, at the beginning, the trader made profit and suddenly lost all my 1500 €. My supervisor told me I have to pay € 5,000 in order the better traders trade kann.Am beginning he has made a profit of 870...
  10. TBChris

    mxtrade: fraudulent bonus deposits

    I have been a client of the company since around 22nd July 2015. I worked with Mr Korg Haynes who was assigned to me as my broker when I joined the company. I worked under the advisement and direction of Mr Haynes in a manner that was at all times, to my knowledge, within the bounds of the...
  11. N


    Hi!!! I have been scammed by MXTRADE, i have a lot of mails that prove the theft. What should i do? One MXTRADE's account manager promise me wont be trouble with the commisions, and told me the commisions will be given back in any case, then i open a trade but the commisions was more than...
  12. G

    Fraud by Mxtrade

    Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Gyan Prakash Rai. I am an Indian living in Singapore from March 2013 onwards. I was trading with R Capital Mxtrade ( since 15 June 2015. I invested USD 81745 till now. On top of that I got the profits of USD 31404.63. I opened my trading...
  13. T

    SCAM; issue withdrawing from MXTRADE

    Hi All, I am having issues withdrawing from my MXTRADE account number 8016220, I started trading on the said account on the 10th of July 2015 after confirming that I can make withdrawals as per below mail- MXTRADE- WIRE TRANSFER Amber Scott ascott To Jul 2 Hi Mr...
  14. K

    ATTENTION! Forex client simulates scam!!

    Hi to everybody, I am speaking as a representative of a online trading company called Mxtrade. I would like to inform all the honest workers and all the online forex companies that there is a guy in the web called ALBERTO TORRESINI who is spending all his days trying to cheat us!! He is...
  15. L

    Problem Attention about MxTrade

    Dear sirs I wonder you could help me My name Alberto (even if my nick is LeoT) I have to apologize you about my bad english. Two months ago a friend of mine ( Marco sacconami was born in Isola della Scala 31/12/65 and last residence in Thai is soi yamato 13/2 but now he is living in...