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Problem Business Choice Partners Group, bcpgltd, www.bcpmarkets.com is a SCAM!

I am having an issue with a company
Here you can see:

· The woman and myself setting a video call date for today.
· The "analyst" providing me with a temporary bank direction in order to perform tax evasion.
· How personally close this "woman" appears to be which is how is been for 2 weeks.
· How she is planning to come visit me in Barcelona in two weeks.

Isn't there a possibility that this might not be a scam? I am so confused and it would be really painful. I am on my way to quit my job in 2 weeks just once I would have validated the consistency of the results.

It's a scam for sure. Same thing happen to us.
Bro, nothing to be embarrassed. They want you to think like that, if you already lost so much why not just put that extra effort to put these garbage people behind bars? Don't underestimate your ability to catch them. You are actually helping a lot of innocent victims and the one that already lost everything.

If we keep bombarding all these cases to the authority, we will see our hard work.

I totally agree with you. I step into this scam last December. That time the name of the Agency was Vow Group. They change it to Business Choice Partners Group in March. Somewhere at the Beginning of August they must change again their names to Knight Service. Me and some of my brothers started to report these scames somewhen this period.
Now scammers are under pressure. They already must use several company names and change them more often. From the screenshots looks they don't have enough time to control their web pages and the girls also don't have time to play with victims before offer trading opportunities.
My girl started to introduce the trading arounf February. Now they start this topic in few days... Sooner or later they will make bigger mistake.
Kindly I ask everybody.

And report the girls also on Tinder and other pages like Scam. Now, they are in a hurry from the beginning when they start the talk...
Here you can see:

· The woman and myself setting a video call date for today.
· The "analyst" providing me with a temporary bank direction in order to perform tax evasion.
· How personally close this "woman" appears to be which is how is been for 2 weeks.
· How she is planning to come visit me in Barcelona in two weeks.

Isn't there a possibility that this might not be a scam? I am so confused and it would be really painful. I am on my way to quit my job in 2 weeks just once I would have validated the consistency of the results.
Unfortunately it is a scam. It is 100% sure. I transfer money also to this bank address recently. I have talked with my girl for 9 months. She has just blocked me last Thursday.
Of course in the last one and the half months I played with her to get some more information and waste her time... The main benefit of this last period only that now I know the real girl who is on the photos. She is the director of a Japanase comsetic company (Luara). Scammers collected her photos from Veibo.
F***. This is so painful. My expectations had gone so high. I started to internalize how my life would be with such an amazing income stream that I even told my dad precisely yesterday who warned me since he is moving his way up in trading!!!

I really don't get this! The woman literally called me! But I have been feeling so bad over today (I even vomited I think due some general sickness this has triggered) given that I was about to notify my boss to leave Jezz!!!

Here you can see how the interaction went! I truly want to confront them now but I wanna test how the video would look like... I wish it would have not been my fault to make it happen on time!!!


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The birch telling me that is a mistake daf**. I feel terribly bad. I thought myself a genius. Yet I am quite the opposite. Well I will string this alone until we get on a video or the date arrives where she was supposed to come over? I mean the video thing... If I wouldn't have missed this I would have already cleared doubts!!! Well I think I will try make it happen this weekend then pull the trigger telling analyst and her their IP addresses are sent to FBI. What a shame now I argued with my dad a little this morning because he was the one who warned me and I thought he was being too stubborn... :(


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F***. This is so painful. My expectations had gone so high. I started to internalize how my life would be with such an amazing income stream that I even told my dad precisely yesterday who warned me since he is moving his way up in trading!!!

I really don't get this! The woman literally called me! But I have been feeling so bad over today (I even vomited I think due some general sickness this has triggered) given that I was about to notify my boss to leave Jezz!!!

Here you can see how the interaction went! I truly want to confront them now but I wanna test how the video would look like... I wish it would have not been my fault to make it happen on time!!!

Welcome to the world.... I feel like it's a pain in the ass that asks for payback
I lost 10k USD in this scam. If I can help more people be aware of this scam and stop them from depositing money, I will feel better about losing my money as this financially hurt me. I will feel even better if we catch them. That's why I started this whole thread and been actively looking for clues to help the investigation.
Is there any governmental party involved who are handles this case?
Any known case number or contact person that is actively monitoring the activities of this group of scammers?
I am now in daily contact with them. I can locate the woman thru tinder it was 2000Km from Spain.

WebSite of Analyst is the following: temporalexchange.com/En/forex

Instagram Profile is the following: instagram.com/kkkerryby

Yes dotdvd perfect definition... Stills puzzles me that she called. I think they are set on comission. This is definitely a sophisticated scam. Afterall they hook us with good trading operations. I will follow up with my attempt of confrontation now
GUYS. Last update coming here now. Our conv in screenshots when I dropped I didn't want to be scammed... This is so crazy. How can a scam be this sophisticated. Shall use the talents for good... I know it's impossible but... I've even been stressing I was about to quit my job to see if the scammer would have some heart and back track? I would think she is a victim herself if I wouldn't have had seen other Asian women pics... Plus from tinder and bizz owners WTF! Anyways I'll string this along until see if we have the video call... If I see things get to a corner I will just drop all the scam alerts around this and make the dude experience fear!


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