Felix's story posted Kotakasu Forex

Looks like another site stealing content to try to pad their own materials to me.

I've had a lot of sites swipe my articles. Usually, if I contact them, they suddenly "remember" to add a byline and link back to the original. I'm not surprised to see one stealing Felix's newest stuff.

Thanks for spotting this. I've sent a note over to Kotakasu about this issue.
Kotakasu.com decided not to reply to my note. That site also kept reposting Sive's material with no link back to the source.

Since they left me with no choice, I filed a complaint with their hosting company. I just got word back that their hosting company took "appropriate action" to resolve the issue.
I don't know where to post this question but, I need Felix's commitment to join the club so I can copy it .
I saved emails but they no longer link and I have a copy of chapetr 9 but no letter.
Expires on 8-10 and I'm ready to notarized.

Thank yo very much

This is tha last time

This is the last time.
If they delete this,... Opps...

I, (name) commit for the rest of this life to give away ten percent or more of my gross income to charitable causes that will benifit people whom I don’t know personally.

(Full name)

picture ID




felixcommit ch 9a.jpg


your welcome :embarrassed:

Be careful what you ask for.

PS. I think “euroforex” should get his promotion for this thread.
Worthwhile posts, 1-4, 9-12, 14, give him a stripe
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