Recent content by bkay

  1. B

    IBCFX scam or what else?

    Their day will come I really hope you haven't lost too much. The fact is that their day will come, and you shouldn't let them put you off from going off and starting again, this time with a decent broker. I think it would do your case no harm to start a campaign on Twitter, Facebook...
  2. B

    ITCFX Broker,attenzione TRUFFA!!!!

    Are they based in Italy - for sure?
  3. B


    My partner and I have been trading for years and recently decided to diversify and use a broker abroad. Alas, we found ITCFX and opened two accounts i.e one in my name, and one in my partner's name. My partner has been trying to withdraw money from his account since Monday, and was alarmed...