Recent content by BluFx Isaac

  1. BluFx Isaac

    Discuss (A company that Spamvertises)

    Cheers mate, just take your time. We look forward to having you onboard anytime.
  2. BluFx Isaac

    Discuss (A company that Spamvertises)

    Yes you're right on that, refinance option is only applicable to Stage 1(25k and 50k accounts). Apologies for the slip
  3. BluFx Isaac

    Discuss (A company that Spamvertises)

    @theoakubo yes you're perfectly right mate. Just wanted to give him proof that indeed with leverage as low as 3:1 it is possible to hit that percentage. It all boils down to your trading skill and more importantly your risk/money management techniques
  4. BluFx Isaac's employees used multis to attack TopStepFx's dedicated discussion thread.

    Hi @aur1911 feel free to join our Facebook group where you can witness loads of payment proofs from our traders. Just search for BluFx Traders Spam Cat doubts evidence provided on the Facebook pages of proven spammers.
  5. BluFx Isaac

    Discuss (A company that Spamvertises)

    Hi @seandizzle, the refinance fee is £50 and yes you can request for refinance during the account growth stages.
  6. BluFx Isaac

    Discuss (A company that Spamvertises)

    Yes you can. Once you have the skillset, possibilities are endless. However, you should take it one step at a time and you will be fine. Nevertheless, one of our female traders actually hit 30% in the month of March so yes it's achievable. You can watch her video on YouTube via