Recent content by chopperdave

  1. C

    CALL TO ACTION: CFTC 10:1 - Share what you wrote here

    My letter to the CFTC Sir, Re: RIN 3038-AC61 It has come to my attention that proposed regulation may have made a bad situation worse. The most shocking proposal is: "to collect security deposits in a minimum amount in order to prudentially limit the leverage to their...
  2. C

    CALL TO ACTION: CFTC 10:1 - Share what you wrote here

    The Saftey Police are out!!! Some FX dealers are already REFUSING to accept new US accounts...FXPRO stated: At this time, FX PRO is not accepting any new US accounts. FX PRO wants to focus on its Euro and Emerging Market clientel (i.e. China). If you want to make any money, I would seriously...