Recent content by dansun25

  1. D


    Hello. If anybody else feels cheated by the purchase of this software, please file a claim with PayPal via their dispute resolution center. I was able to receive my $999.00 back on the grounds that the software and its support element were nothing like what was advertised. Alex failed to...
  2. D


    Hey There, well the trades following the initial three were good until a couple of them lost all profits that had been gained, but then two lucky trades put my account up to +45%. I guess if the broker is going to shut me down then I will find out soon enough if things keep going well. I have...
  3. D


    Three positive trades so far with no negatives. Once I have a little more progress (especially some news-time trading) I will be sure to update this forum on my results. One caveat, though: my broker is unregulated so withdrawals may be an issue. Until I am sure that I can actually retrieve...
  4. D


    Thank you and I will be sure to do so. I am not going with USGFX since they do not accept US Residents, but I am on the Alfa package with Ultrafx VPS.
  5. D


    I had thought that may be the case, but the posts would show up (someone would PM me about how they agree) and then it would disappear. For a few minutes I would get the message stating that my message needs to be reviewed first, but then it would be fine after a while. I have no idea what...
  6. D


    Just to clear things up: I have now received everything that I need to begin using the EA. I still think it is very odd that my posts were being removed by someone/something. Thank you to those who PM'd me in support of my difficulties as well as conveying their own.
  7. D


    Okay, I am steadily becoming more and more agitated with the nigh complete lack of response from this EA 's support unit. There seems to be a gigantic discrepancy between Alex's faith in the person or people he has hired for support and actual performance. We are approaching the one week mark...
  8. D


    I appreciate that, thank you.
  9. D


    I have sent it to you just now and sent it to support just over 50.5 hours ago. Perhaps the 24 time-frame given to users should be changed as I am not the only person to have this issue? Also, your support has not replied to messages sent since the 26th of February, and has only since started...
  10. D


    I must agree. His support staff is awfully slow and running behind as it is. I have unanswered queries from Feb 26th and still am not able to access the EA bought on the 4th of this month.
  11. D


    Sure thing, just sent you the Skype message. It's really not a huge problem I was only getting worried that I had been taken for a ride or something. It's just good to receive a reply. I look forward to speaking with you. Best, Daniel
  12. D


    I see. Thank you for your answer. It has been about 54 hours and I have attempted getting in touch through 4 different avenues of communication to no avail. Obviously I have no choice but to wait longer. Thank you again, Patrichia.
  13. D


    May I ask how long it took everyone to actually get the software after purchasing it? Your information would be helpful and appreciated. Best, Daniel
  14. D


    Dear Alex, I have purchased your EA for $999.00 and have yet to receive it. I have reached out via the contact form on your website as well as multiple attempts via Skype (the method that you keep assuring us all that we should use to get in touch) and in a private message on this very forum. I...