Recent content by EmiliaJr

  1. E

    Minimum investment

    If you invest too little, you will not feel the taste of victory :)
  2. E

    Trading For Living

    It sounds strange indeed! Can you help me to achieve the same zen level during my trades? ha :)
  3. E

    Are riots going to affect USD?

    It's already affecting market. Not in the way we expected. But we will see. @Tahntaman made a fair point about people losing trust in banks and government and this trend can have very scary consequences on market. I hope nothing too bad will happen, and all the riots will just end peacefully...
  4. E

    Future of Bitcoin

    A lot of people told me that I should invest into bitcoin, they said it's going to blow up soon. Should I believe them?
  5. E

    Problem Valley Tech Spec Limited

    Don't you ever invest money into companies, that are sliding into your dm's on tinder. Believe me.
  6. E

    Studying English.

    I love this one! haha
  7. E

    What Are Your Golden Rules?

    Well, don't sell your house thinking "I'm going to invest that money into Forex and in 2 months going to buy 10 more houses". It's not how the market is working.
  8. E

    Hey guys!

    Hey Sam! Wish you a great day!
  9. E

    Future of Forex?

    Future for Forex is very bright - it's developing and every year involves more and more people in trading. Before it was kinda shady business - now it's a legit business and you don't need to be scared when you say "I trade Forex".
  10. E

    New to Forex

    Jean-Philippe, hello! I'm still figuring out how this forum works - but I've been trading for quite some time now. First set up a demo account. Try everything there. Find a strategy that you love. And then practice and learn new stuff.
  11. E

    Hello everybody

    Hey! I'm new here - but already excited!