Recent content by Erik La Ramka

  1. E


    ACM is the best, put your money to the test, if you loose it, oh too bad, if you win, we'll break your head! dear Katalin, or whatever your real name is, since you seem to know everything about acm, can you please tell us what happened to those renegade employees that got cought...
  2. E

    Acm Usa

    you should check their GENEVA entity chapmagorge, you should check out the stuff thats been unfolding on the ACM page, specifically fraud allegations: and also their attempt to...
  3. E


    hmmmm, but really, did anyone doubt that?! how many people do you ever see spreading that much love about a simple service, nomatter how good it may be? you may love your bank or your insurance company, but do you bother going and telling the whole world about it? looks like this swamp is...
  4. E


    No relation at all, just picked up the first thing that came to mind after reading the articles. The La Marca mentioned is Lloyd anyway.
  5. E


    the system may take up to year or more to investigate unless new plaintiffs surface and apply pressure on the judge. guess in the meantime we can all take a break from trading. at least with ACM that is.
  6. E


    make that two, im starting to write a script for the new "007 vs. rogue trader"! ;)
  7. E


    Mr. Ponotov, would it be so hard for you to stop making a fool out of yourself by filtering your language and passing your literature masterpieces through WORD processor to eliminate the grammar mistakes? Your style of writing united with your uncontainable fury makes you seem like a barbarian...