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    Ever Blown Your Trading Account?

    Yes, it´s a process. Also you need to find for yourself how you can recover AND learn from blowing an account.

    Do you have a goal for the next six months?

    Your´s is pretty good. I think it´s better not to set a goal about results but rather a goal about the process. For example: Don´t set a goal of: I want to make 40% per year! Set a goal of: I will stick to my trading plan!

    Do you have enough patience?

    Agree on the fact that there needs to be a trading plan. And don´t just own it, follow it too. I don´t think though that anyone can ELIMINATE their emotions. Best would be to practice self-control in order to feel the emotions but know not to let them interfere with your trading plan.

    Create your own trading strategy

    You should really read about going live after demo trading, there´s posts about it in this forum and all over the internet also. Demo trading is not the same as live trading. It gives you a certain feel for it, but not the full experience. The results will be much better in demo so you expected...

    Experience or Education?

    First comes education then experience, it´s basic logic.

    Demise of News Trading?

    You have to consider not just the potential profits, but also the potential losses. It´s a risky technique but can bring you a nice profit if done right.. that´s part of why it is so exciting, isn´t it? If you have a strategy and a previous trading skill, I think news trading can really work in...

    Be careful in the financial market there are many scammers

    Everyone should be aware of scams and not get in this kinds of situations in the first place, because this goes on in various fields of life, not just finance. Can´t stress enough the importance of doing your research before you give your money to anyone or anything. If something seems too good...

    Remove your emotions as much as possible.

    Agreed. Exercise self-control. Emotions should never interfer your trading. Emotions must be felt because suppressing them is not good for your mind either. You just need to find a way to use them as tools to your advantage ;)

    How do you handle your losses?

    I think it´s not just tools you can use but what you can do on a emotional level. Every trader really needs to think these emotions through for themselves. For example, a trader can suffer from fear of losing money or fear of missing out on gains. They need to exercise self-control in a way that...

    question- what are the things that a trader should never do?

    Totally agree with the last one.. i think it´s very important to never stop learning. There are always ways to better your skill. But I would also add, having too much emotion when trading can make you end up in a huge mess. Most likely, if you lose money you will be upset and if you win you...

    Do you believe in using a Trading Plan?

    I think it´s important, adds a certain confidence into your present trades and consistency for more successful trades in the future.

    Demo accounts

    A demo account is surely important for a trader to test out the system and their broker. I´m sure you don´t want to pay for everything just to later realize it is not what you are actually looking for. Of course pre- demo account testing do your research and read reviews on both the system and...

    Which currency pair should I trade?

    Every pair has it´s characteristics and I think a beginner must first research, get to know a few different currency pairs and then make further desicions. If you have some time on your hands to read news and keep an eye on the charts, maybe you should try to pick more than one pair (2 or 3 for...

    What to look for in an FX broker.

    Research and read reviews! Check if the broker is regulated. You also need to look into the withdrawal process. For an overall smooth experience see how their customer service is too. Some brokers are very helpful pre-sale and during the account opening, but after-sale can leave you hanging.

    Trading bot

    I think it really depends on the person. There are definitely pros and cons but in the future robots are going to take over a lot of human actions anyway. I believe robots in general have gotten and will be getting smarter and more trustable...