Recent content by Jeffrey Lewis

  1. Jeffrey Lewis

    30% trading is gambling.

    There's nothing wrong with putting your money in a bank, but it definitely won't be growing very much profit while it is sitting there... It reminds me of this quote: "How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case." - Robert G. Allen
  2. Jeffrey Lewis

    So after years of dreaming, I decided to do it.

    After reading this quote, I feel more successful already...:cool:
  3. Jeffrey Lewis

    Simple effective trading strategy which may be of use to you...

    Types of investments to avoid It seems that although there is a lot of talk about binary options, it doesn't seem much like a worthwhile investment opportunity. I know there are plenty of folks that really enjoy gambling, but it just isn't for me...:D
  4. Jeffrey Lewis

    30% trading is gambling.

    Trading vs. Gambling It was interesting to read the different reactions and metaphors in this conversation thread comparing trading to gambling (or 30% gambling). My question is if there are types of trading that are LESS like gambling... :confused:
  5. Jeffrey Lewis

    Daily Forex Tips For Newbies

    Thanks for the reminder Salim. I am off to open a demo account now.
  6. Jeffrey Lewis

    So after years of dreaming, I decided to do it.

    Hope you are having good luck ReignMan! A journey starts with the first step.