Recent content by jesus8s

  1. jesus8s

    Minimum investment

    I would start from 500 $. I think there is no sense for lower rates...
  2. jesus8s

    Ways to Earn Money without Forex Trading?

    Betting is a great option to earn some extra money, but you should analyze a lot of data before you make any bet..
  3. jesus8s

    Studying English.

    If you want to learn English faster, you should watch more videos and films in English, maybe with subtitles.
  4. jesus8s

    UEFA Champions League

    Do you honestly think they would win?
  5. jesus8s

    What is your favorite movie ?

    But actually, it depends ion the mood. I can watch Matrix every single week, re-watching it over and over again :)
  6. jesus8s

    What is your favorite movie ?

    Casino Royale (2006)
  7. jesus8s

    What does everyone do outside of trading?

    I simply love to play football couple of hours, with my friends.
  8. jesus8s

    What is a margin call in forex?

    Thanks, your answers, as always are most informative.
  9. jesus8s

    What does bullish and bearish mean in forex?

    Exactly, you're right on that one.
  10. jesus8s

    What is a pip in forex trading?

    Nice picture, that can help in understanding everything :)
  11. jesus8s

    Currency Strength and Weakness for Thursday 4th June 2020

    And how much do you take for your webinars?.
  12. jesus8s

    50 pipular films quiz

    Hah, how is that possible? :)
  13. jesus8s

    How do I start

    And that's how you've started?
  14. jesus8s

    Trader's Way is a fraudulent company

    Maybe it's all about your bad luck? I'm still using their services, and I don't see any fraudulent actions from them.