Recent content by Johnno26

  1. Johnno26

    Remove your emotions as much as possible.

    I had an old trading coach who always said, those who do the work other wont, get the result other wont. Hard work, but well worth it! I've been using a tool from REMOVED. It has a trade analysis feature which is super handy but I often import the data into excel to play with it. FPA FORUMS...
  2. Johnno26

    Fundamental vs technical analysis - what more important?

    Great reply @nahiyar I think it is very much a ying and yang. But think Fundamental Analysis is extremely difficult to master. Understanding what is priced in will always be a challenge. What do you do to better understand fundamentals and understand what is priced in?
  3. Johnno26

    Poor Money Management.

    The biggest mistake new traders make is trying too hard to make a profit and being unwilling to a loss. Imagine it like this, You learn that if you hold a trade open long enough, it will come back and show you a profit. This lesson is quickly confirmed because 9 out of 10 times it will...
  4. Johnno26

    Toilet Trading: New strategy gaining popularity across Europe!

    Why do certain traders win when others fail? Well, some people are effective with time, when others spin their wheels and are unproductive. But lets be honest, trading can very time consuming. But as a 5+ year trader, this is my strategy to making trading a part of my day. Try the new trading...
  5. Johnno26

    Remove your emotions as much as possible.

    Keeping a trading journal is the best way to keep your emotions in check. Well at least it will help you implement rules and monitor them on an ongoing basis. I've been looking for something that plugs into MT4 easily, but so far its tough.
  6. Johnno26

    Fundamental vs technical analysis - what more important?

    Biggie Smalls says ‘it’s all about that paper’, but for George Soros its it’s all about those pips! My question is what most important to consider, fundamental or technical analysis?
  7. Johnno26

    Looking for a trading journal that connect with MT5. Help please!

    Hello trades. I am looking for software to run alongside MT4. I'm mainly a scalper but trying to keep my emotions in check with a rules based approach to trading. It would be great if somebody could recommend some software to review? Somebody recommended journalytix but literally cannot...
  8. Johnno26

    I am new in this forum

    New to FPA and enjoying my time here. But there is sooo much content! Can anybody recommend a page to speak with scalpers and explore strategies?
  9. Johnno26

    Metatrade Platforms MT4 and MT5 Problems

    Not sure if this is the right group, but am I the only one who cannot see a difference with MT5? Dont get me wrong, the flame chart indicator is super cool, but whats the difference?
  10. Johnno26


    There are lots of reasons why higher leverage is best and doesn't mean higher risk. For example, I'm a scalper and am often in alot of trades, this is how my EA works and at 30:1 it just wouldn't work. But even as a normal trader, what if you wanted to enter a 1 trade on cable to catch a few...
  11. Johnno26

    Affiliate Benifits

    P.S I've been using a tool a few brokers offer recently. It's called Autochartist. I've found it really helpful at letting me focus on good trade setups. Worth taking a look at for sure.
  12. Johnno26

    Is this a scam? Help

    All good Joe Anybody who tells you there are guarantees is just not being truthful. This is an immediate red flag! But I can tell you how to become an overnight millionaire trading forex.... Years and years of practise :P Remember, trading isn't a sprint but a marathon. Give it time, limit...
  13. Johnno26 Have Cheated Me Just Like They Did To Other Affiliates - Video Proof is Posted

    Hey Jacobsh Do you really think they are the best broker? What do you like about them? I haven't traded with them but think their name is silly.
  14. Johnno26

    Affiliate Benifits

    I think this would depend on the broker you select. But watch out. I've found some brokers who offer too many signals to be just fair. Look for a broker that has a research team. Trading view is also good as many brokers share ideas. Good luck!
  15. Johnno26 Have Cheated Me Just Like They Did To Other Affiliates - Video Proof is Posted

    W Easy forex. Jezz, shouldn't the name have given it away. Just so eaaaasy, fixed spreads and guaranteed profits lol.