Recent content by Lizetteb1

  1. Lizetteb1


    Q: What does one penny say to the other penny? A: Let's get together and make some cents.
  2. Lizetteb1

    Newcommer to the world of trading .

    Great! Thanks for that. I had the same question. These forums are such great educational tools. :cool:
  3. Lizetteb1

    What does everyone do outside of trading?

    That's a fantastic goal! I hope you achieve it! :)
  4. Lizetteb1

    98 % of 4X traders lose money - Why?

    Yes, I'd agree with this point. That's pretty much the rule in most businesses.
  5. Lizetteb1

    the confusing world of trading

    That's the best advice for sure. With gambling and trading, deal with the credible people and only use your spare cash.
  6. Lizetteb1

    just wondering..

    Well, that's interesting! Thanks for that informative explanation. :)
  7. Lizetteb1


    What's the difference between a dead snake and a dead lawyer lying in the street? There are skid marks in front of one of them...