Recent content by Mack81

  1. M

    LM Swiss Scam

    I'm guessing that your spider-sense didn't alert you.... lol I couldn't resist. BTW I'm sorry for you loss of money.
  2. M

    "Even After They Wipe You Out...They Still Ring You Up" Option FM

    125 K !!!1!! That's a lot to invest, Now I don't know your story and what happened to you, but if I have to invest 125K I would do some search first. Sorry for what happened mate.
  3. M


    Inanzitutto ti vorrei dire che scrivi molto male in italiano. Ci potresti dare qualche dettaglio aggiuntivo, non si capisce molto da quello che hai scritto. Che cosa ti è successo ? Non ti fanno ritirare i soldi ? Da quanto stai usando quella società ? English Can you give us more details...
  4. M - They will never let you go with your money.

    The last part that you've added is very interesting. To be clear, I don't like 24option, I opened an account with them, and so far I havent funded it. couple of weeks ago I received a call from one of them, he wanted to show me how the platform works, in particular the part where I should have...
  5. M - They will never let you go with your money.

    there's no doubt that the behavior of the 24option'support team was wrong, but in the end you made the final decision, your lack of knowledge about the matter and your lack of resolution made you do your own choices. You dont deserve to get back your money.