Recent content by Manalmeena

  1. Manalmeena

    From theory to practice

    Guess that there are tons of tutorials in the net including the one you are requesting about. Learning is very important even though it's a super tedious thing, everybody wants to rush, however trading is not a place for rushign whatsoever. Patience is the thing which should be learnt in the...
  2. Manalmeena

    Demo Trading

    Demo accounts can assist traders in anything but the psychological skills. That's basically the major downside of any demo account. You can train strategies there, get used to trading conditions, even test some new trading approaches. But don’t expect that it will train your emotions. That is...
  3. Manalmeena

    Where to start

    Reading the charts is the fundamental thing in trading and without it you won't be able to earn money. If you need to understand where to start in order to read the charts properly, then I can advise you to attend tradingview website, investopedia also contains many information about different...
  4. Manalmeena

    Discuss What do you listen to while trading?

    When trading I listen to classical music. It helps me to calm down and focus on trading. It really helps me to make important trading decisions. I like rock music so much but can’t trade to it because it prevents me from thinking rationally, while Bach really helps me to trade.
  5. Manalmeena

    Are you addicted to trading?

    I can't state that I am addicted to trading. It's more about love :D I am passionate about trading activity and suppose that this is one of the most useful and profitable acitivties in the internet. However, at the same time I understand that not all the people are eager to trade like me. Some...
  6. Manalmeena

    Ways to Earn Money without Forex Trading?

    Do you know what brings in a lot of money right now? The IT industry. It really is. But there's no need to get upset. You don't have to be able to code or be a mathematician to start making money in this industry. You can be a designer, a tester, a project manager, a copywriter... I may have...
  7. Manalmeena

    Bad habits of beginner traders.

    The main bad hbit which all new traders have are hopes for fast money. I wish all beginners would inderstand this rul that there are no fast money in trading. Of course, once you can be lucky with the position or maybe twice, but it doesn't mean that you will get this fast money all the time. To...
  8. Manalmeena

    How long did it take you to go from demo to live?

    I personally started to trade live after several months of trading demo. So, the first step was to get theoretical background, then I started trading on demo account and after I learnt how to use trading platform and made certain trading habits (like setting stop losses without wasting too much...
  9. Manalmeena

    Have you improved your trading psychology?

    I wouldn't say that I have improved my psychology but I have improved my trading strategy and made it more objective, so that the psychological factor is reduced. I gave up trying to change my personality, I started to think that it is much easier to change the criteria in the trading strategy...
  10. Manalmeena

    Account size to trade full time?

    It is all individual, but all in all, you've got to have pretty much on your trading account so that it will be able to provide your living. It depends on many different factors such as your abilities to trade, the amount of money that you want to receive through the trading on the regular...
  11. Manalmeena

    Forex education

    There are lots of diffirent resources which are devoted to learning forex. You can start your learning here at the FPA or you can go to babypips. I feel that the information presented there will be enough for you to understand the fundamentals of trading patterns.
  12. Manalmeena

    Understanding the Difference between Binary Options and Forex

    I believe that your words are really correct. There is no discussion about legality, of course forex trading is legal in comparison with binary options which are already prohibited in several countries. I think that if you're a beginner in trading you'd better stay away of binary options because...
  13. Manalmeena

    The 4 Pillars of Forex Trading Success

    It's really difficult not to agree with these words. I guess discipline, emotions control and no rushing must be the most important things in forex trading. Actually, all of these points matter a lot. Entry and exit strategies help novices to master trading activity faster, besides this thing...
  14. Manalmeena

    The Reason Why Traders Lose?

    The main reasons why the vast majority of traders lose are their naivety and inflated expectations from trading I think. They usually come into trading with thoughts like "yeah im a trader thus i will make lots of money", but, of course, it's not true at all. The true is that you will make...
  15. Manalmeena

    First steps on trading

    The very first thing you should to understand is that trading is a very broad activity. I believe that you have to start from the choice of what activity do you admire more. There are actually forex trading, crypto trading, stock trading and so on. Then you should watch/read special learning...