Recent content by markstoisa

  1. M

    Binary option Xposed e Bankoptions sono TRUFFE!!!!!!!!!!

    Today I received my 5000$ back in my ACCOUNT!!!! I need to say Thank you to Anthony that helped me in every single thing ,and was always available to listen to my request during the holidays!! To have my 5000$ back I followed this steps; 1)I went to my bank with all the evidences of the fraud...
  2. M

    Binary option Xposed e Bankoptions sono TRUFFE!!!!!!!!!!

    My PayPal dispute: ----------------------------------- Details of disputed transaction ----------------------------------- Seller's Name: Robert Broadwell Seller's Email: Seller's Transaction ID: xxxxxx Transaction Date: Sep 20, 2012 Transaction Amount...
  3. M

    Binary option Xposed e Bankoptions sono TRUFFE!!!!!!!!!!

    I know three of them MARY MARTINEZ ( i talked with her for the Auto Trading) ANA CARLSON CAROL BAKER Now it like two week that my account has been frozen and I have started 50 days ago!!!!!!
  4. M

    Binary option Xposed e Bankoptions sono TRUFFE!!!!!!!!!!

    Sono venuto a conoscenza di questo Auto Trading da mio padre.Lui ha incominciato questo Auto trading nel mese di Agosto con un ammontare di 5000$.La societa Binary option Xposed gli ha dato il bonus del !00% quindi con un totale di !0000$.Dopo i buoni risultati nelel prime 2 settimane ho deciso...