Recent content by MartinK

  1. MartinK

    Why do you think people are scared of investing in forex?

    in my experience i have found that they don't know what 1% is to begin with Example : Retailer Trader starts Trading EURUSD for example, with account balance of $400 for example doesn't know what a LOT is Doesn't Understand how Nominal Margin works and let's not even get into leverage so, they...
  2. MartinK

    Why do you think people are scared of investing in forex?

    so... i tried to post something (First reply ever) i got a message that was saying my behaviour was Spam Like hehe i inserted a dash between 2 words and i got the error i attempted to delete the dash, I got the message again hehe Oh.. Dear i guess i'm now expected to be a fortune teller...