Recent content by obmonarca

  1. O

    Want binaries banned in Europe? Provide evidence NOW!

    Binary trading is not just a red/back roulet, if you study price action and check stats you can get a winner strategy. If prohibition goes ahead all those scammer brokers will move to forex and cfds, for sure they will find legal holes to continue scamming, and all binary gambling traders will...
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    Want binaries banned in Europe? Provide evidence NOW!

    Hi, i would like to make some comments on your exposition. 1) the whole concept of especulation could be asimilable to gambling, but the fact is that if you study and work a lot you can be profitable in forex, cfds and binary options. that is not possible in the roulet or other casino games...
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    Want binaries banned in Europe? Provide evidence NOW!

    Risk may be lower or higher, but is limited. You can´t loose more than what you risk in binaries. Your argument is logic using a gambling concept but using a trading concept and risking no more than 1 or 2% in each operation you can take a lot of benefit from binaries if you have an estrategy...
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    Want binaries banned in Europe? Provide evidence NOW!

    I do not agree in banning binary option, as it was my first income during last year. it is obvious that there is a huge work to do regarding regulation, scams, etc. But scams comes not only from binaries, i saw many scams from forex brokers, that also manipulates prizes. Many of those brokers...