Recent content by ozfader

  1. ozfader

    Info on broker: BankDirectFX

    A sensible contribution, thank you Marcus. I'm sure we all look forward to your analysis based on something substantive. BTW, I rarely contribute to forums anymore, simply because they've just become a soapbox for people to vent their spleen rather than provide quality information. FPA is/was...
  2. ozfader

    Info on broker: BankDirectFX

    bibi, although I've read FPA for several years, and was a member under a different address early in its formation, I rejoined today, specifically to reply to your reply to a perfectly sound response by Ryan at BDFX to questions raised elsewhere in this thread. I too, ask the question why the...
  3. ozfader

    Info on broker: BankDirectFX

    bibi, I don't know whether the explanation Ryan has given is true or not, but your reply is worse than blablablabla! You don't qualify anything you say with any actual evidence, which makes it worse than useless because it can lead people to believe what you're saying is based on fact. Twenty...