Recent content by remote_joe

  1. remote_joe

    Problem Apiary Investment Fund - Too good to be true??

    My findings I have just finished reading this entire thread. I have watched all their marketing videos. I have watched a video of a dissatisfied customer I watched A real Apiary funded trader's testimonial. I am not sure how reliable his testimonial is as his other videos are...
  2. remote_joe

    Problem Apiary Investment Fund - Too good to be true??

    Uh Joel... They have been around at least 3 years.
  3. remote_joe

    Problem Apiary Investment Fund - Too good to be true??

    This guy is a criminaal and shill for Apiary... His name is David Moffit and he is a marketer for Apiary Notice he used 3rdgear as his user name... His linkedin states he is owner of 3rd Gear marketing in Utah. His google plus with...
  4. remote_joe

    Proform Trading

    Its all linked to Utah... These fraudsters are from Utah and so is Apiary Fund. Duo From 'Teach Me to Trade' Seminars Charged With Fraud