Recent content by sandi2014

  1. S professional scam to steal money from people big scam professional scam steal the money from people ..give them illusion to become a millionaire then suddenly if they try to take the money out ...there accounts will be zero and they loose everything..if you have money go and buy real gold it will give you for...
  2. S professional scam to steal money from people

    i have an ccount 28000$ and my account manager was working on it. since two months .till many days back where i try to withdraw 18000 $ from my account...i send them 3 letters and write through the withdraw money that i need to withdraw this sum..then suddenly next day many loosing contracts was...
  3. S

    Ubinary scam alert

    they do the same with me ....stoole all my money ...after i request withdrawal they make my account zero in one day we should fight them