Recent content by ssharma

  1. S

    Forex Trading Signal 9-7-2009

    Congratulatins I'll be praying for you and your family. Enjoy your newborn. They grow really fast and before you know it they will be in college and out of the home. You will get lots of enjoyment out of your little one.
  2. S

    Started Today

    Chart I am in the same boat. I am so confused about how and when to invest. Is there anywhere I can have a look at daily charts to see how the market is faring on a daily basis. I will appreciate your advice and help
  3. S

    Chart Colors

    I am a newbie.Can anyone explain why there's 2 colors in candlestick. What does green and red colors mean
  4. S

    Forex Club

    Thank you. I will keep away from these guys. Do you recommend any particular fx broker to start me off. I want someone reputable, well capitalised and with good customer service. I do not have much money so I am looking to open a micro account
  5. S

    Forex Club

    I am a newbie and about to open an account with ForexClub. Has anyone had experience with them?
  6. S

    Forex Trading Signal 07/29/09

    Why buy when interest rate goes up I am new to FX. Why would I buy if interest rates go up. Isn't it more expensive as against buying when interest is low?
  7. S

    Discuss (Dean Saunders)

    I Am New What minimum deposit do they require
  8. S

    Looking Around

    Forex Thank you for your candid response. I will keep away from ForexAutomoney. For a beginner like me who has NEVER EVER done any FX trading what would you recommend which is simple and easy to follow and profitable at the same time. I am confident that you will provide me with a...
  9. S

    Looking Around

    I have never done FX tradiing. I believe it is a good vehicle to make some sideline money doing it part time. I was looking at a company called ForexAutomoney.Do any one of you know about this company? They claim that all I have to do is to click on buy or sell and they do all the thinking for...