Recent content by StephanieR

  1. S


    Time to move on!!! Ok, Ok, Ok, you have made your point. You don't like the stealth system. How many more times do you need to answer with the full quote for extra effect??????? Now can we get on with something more constructive please cos' this is getting really boring.:unhappy: I...
  2. S


    Thank you Erny, I knew that there was more to you;) and I appreciate the comment:)
  3. S


    It does vary a lot and it also depends what pair I decide to trade but to give an example, today I traded the eur/usd. I took 4 trades and I finished the day for exactly + 20 pips. I will say that there are some trades that I could have made more with but the second I see a colour change on...
  4. S


    Quote: At least u post back-unlike many of the Posters I piss off. BTW-theres always one like myself on EVERY forum I know there are. I have left many of them licking their wounds, mopping their tears and wondering what in hells name hit them:rolleyes:.:D In fact they usually have to BEG...
  5. S


    Quote: can anyone describe roughly how the system works in scalping mode. most of the Hello Neil, As a famous "forex sage", I trust that you will find the following of some use. I only trade the scalping method and I only do so during the London trading session. In the system rules it...
  6. S


    Re: Well leave already? Unless you have more sagely advice? I did not say that I AM leaving, just that I would mind the door WHEN I DO! :p You know Erny, I bet underneath that brusque cowl you are a real sweety:):):) And just to show you that I do indeed have some more sagely advice...
  7. S


    Re:Then please-dont let our door hit u in your arse on the way out! Bye Bye ! Wow, what a friendly group you are!!! Thank you for the advice. I'll be sure to mind the door when I leave.
  8. S


    Re: Strange that most of good reviews are always from new members.... I don't see it as strange. I cannot speak for others, but in my case I visited the site, saw the forum and joined. Simple as that. You ask why I would be interested in any help if I am doing so well with stealth...
  9. S


    Re:My only agenda here is to perform an honest review, I am a full time trader Instead of ranting about the Stealth System and how bad it is, if you are a successful full time trader how about giving the rest of us the benefit of your experience and helping us with something that you feel does...