Recent content by Vefo

  1. V

    Gold Daily Video, October 21, 2014

    I can't watch your video... It shows blank all the time.
  2. V

    Problem Instructions for YouTradeFx and SunbirdFx clients having troubles withdrawing their funds

    I've also reported them to ASIC.. I've also refer this website. Did some of you succeed with your withdrawal??
  3. V

    Problem Instructions for YouTradeFx and SunbirdFx clients having troubles withdrawing their funds

    Tambem tenho problemas Te aconselho a cancelar a conta e sacar o seu dinheiro o mais rapido possivel. Estou tentando encerrar a minha conta a um bom tempo com eles e a briga esta grande. Moro na Inglaterra e ja ate registrei um BO contra eles na policia. Vou aguardar e ver se algo acontece.