Recent content by Zayda

  1. Zayda

    Problem My FxMundo client number is 7127599 please help!!!

    Porque no contestas? Ya le mandé el enlace este a fxmundo y me hablaron del depto de finanzas que tengo pendiente un retiro y que solo falta estar dada de alta en el sat bajo un régimen especial.
  2. Zayda

    Problem My FxMundo client number is 7127599 please help!!!

    En Reino Unido según esto. A donde mando el enlace, a Fxmundo? O a aqui de la pagina de Fxmundo?
  3. Zayda

    Problem My FxMundo client number is 7127599 please help!!!

    I don't even know how did i see them but they contacted me by phone, i might have seen an advertising of them.
  4. Zayda

    Problem My FxMundo client number is 7127599 please help!!!

    Just look for FxMundo or i've been trading with them since last october. My total deposit have been 14448.
  5. Zayda


    Is Octafx the same as octafxcoytrading?
  6. Zayda

    Problem My FxMundo client number is 7127599 please help!!!

    I've been scammed by FxMundo and they refuse to give me my money back since last october. They say that they have to validate my account in order to approve my withdawals that i've made but how come when i made the deposits never have trouble with them? They just keep giving up excuses to get...