Zeus EA Gold VTMarkets Real Account

Updated: an hour ago
+0.42% WEEKLY · 38.2 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-1,417 (Gross Pips: -54,129)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.42% (Gross P/L: +17.19%)
Maximum Equity used:
12.24% (Jan 12, 2024, 12:52:00 PM)
Test started:
Aug 3, 2023 (Running 38.2 weeks)
Description from product owner: Zeus EA Gold is a MetaTrader 4/5 Expert Advisor (EA), optimized for trading Gold (XAU/USD), specifically on H1 and 5M timeframes. To ensure the extra protection for your capital during the news events and other market turmoils, Zeus EA Comes with a set of filters that shell be added at installation. To protect against margin call, and avoid larger drawdowns (DD) this Expert Advisor uses a “recovery mode”, which is designed to partly eliminate high DD trades to keep sufficient account margin, should there is an out of ordinary move in the Gold market.