• Please try to select the correct prefix when making a new thread in this folder.

    Discuss is for general discussions of a financial company or issues related to companies.

    Info is for things like "Has anyone heard of Company X?" or "Is Company X legit or not?"

    Compare is for things like "Which of these 2 (or more) companies is best?"

    Searching is for things like "Help me pick a broker" or "What's the best VPS out there for trading?"

    Problem is for reporting an issue with a company. Please don't just scream "CompanyX is a scam!" It is much more useful to say "I can't withdraw my money from Company X" or "Company Y is not honoring their refund guarantee" in the subject line.
    Keep Problem discussions civil and lay out the facts of your case. Your goal should be to get your problem resolved or reported to the regulators, not to see how many insults you can put into the thread.

    More info coming soon.

Problem Banc de Binary Mega Scam

I am having an issue with a company
Imagine what would happen if EVERY victim of BDB contacted Liverpool FC by phone, email, and post - especially if each person kept checking back to see if Liverpool FC liked accepting money from a company which keeps getting fined by regulators.

We should encourage victims of BdB to do that. This scam needs to be stopped.
Hi all

Yes it would be good if we all contacted Liverpool fc to let them know but I am not shore that they care that much. Ist of Aprirl 2016 I sent a letter to Liverpool fc to let them know, I have not had a repley from them so I now feel it is time to post the letter here on line so this is a copy of that letter

To Director of Liverpool FC
Dear Jürgen Norbert Klopp

I’m writing to you so I can inform you about one of your prime sponsor, to let you know of their fraudulent criminal actions around the world.
Sorry I’m not good at putting letters together, but feel you have the right to know about Banc de Binary. How they are a fraudulent company, preying on peoples feeling and emotions.

I will let you know that today; I am filling criminal fraudulent charges with the UK police force, Cyprus police force, Cyprus financial Ombudsman and Cyprus Securities and exchange commission as they are the Banc de Binary regulator. Now I will point you to some open forums, so you can check out what people around the world are saying about Banc De Binary. How they are praying on helpless people around the world.

I feel it’s your right to know this, so you can look in to this yourself as you have the right to protect your supporter. I wouldn’t like any of your supporters in the club to be scammed out of their life saving, even more now that I have brought this to your attention. When Banc De binary uses your name in their scam, this is already apparent now as they are using your logo on their emails and website to lead people in a faults belief.
I will say to you that although I mayn’t post this letter in the open forums that I am using to fight Bank De Binary. I will be saying that I have written to Liverpool fc and Slandered charter.
That I would be happy to pass a copy of this letter to anyone how would ask for a copy so that they can also use it or sign their name to the letter.

I thank you for your time in this matter and I will try to give you time to look in to this for yourself, before it may go to press. I have no wish for that to happen, but at this time I have no idea where this may go. Or if Banc De Binary will return my £76500 that they have scammed out of me over the last year.

I can’t seem to find a customer service email that I can send this letter to. If you would like this in an email format, so that you are able to follow the links in this letter I would be pleased to forward it to you if you contact me on

I am just one of many people you will come a cross, that have been scammed out of their life saving by this company that is now using your logo and good name, to help carry out their Scam to the world.

Thank you for your time in this matter.

Pete Murphy
Hi there

Very good letter and I agree we all should do that. Mr. Klopp is german (at least the name sounds like) so I will write another letter in german also. Regarding press, Thomsonreuters is in contact with me, following up my story and they will write an article about various binary brokers where BDB is one of them.
See post #43 by Zbeni at https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/commu...ssion-banc-de-binary.45227/page-5#post-243809 where he states:

Please also read the article showing a glowing report on Binary Options trading. I tried to place negative comments based on my experience with Banc De Binary warning potential clients and every time I did so the moderator deleted my comments. I have also tried researching the names of persons mentioned in this article and it all seems fake. I can only conclude that this page is published and controlled by Banc De Binary.

This globalfinance.news website is obviously a scam! Please see this http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/20...South-African-trader-linked-to-gold-supercars.

See also globalfinance.news/?p=1425 where they promote the same article, but for Asia - Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia but instead of BDB, it's for 24 Option!!!

Then see this link too - globalfinance.news/?p=1423 where the article is the same to promote 24 Option as well, but the "mystery owner" is based in Canada!!!

globalfinance.news/?p=1421 ... mystery owner based in London!

globalfinance.news/?p=1428 ... Norway, Finland, Denmark and Netherlands ...

The real owner of the "super cars" ... a Saudi prince - http://www.forbes.com/sites/guymart...s-gold-fleet-rolls-into-chelsea/#7704e13362b0

And the globalfinance.news articles all use the same pictures, probably lifted from one of the original news articles ... this is a deliberate act of entrapment in order to perpetrate a fraudulent scam on unsuspecting victims!
Hi all

Yes it would be good if we all contacted Liverpool fc to let them know but I am not shore that they care that much. Ist of Aprirl 2016 I sent a letter to Liverpool fc to let them know, I have not had a repley from them so I now feel it is time to post the letter here on line so this is a copy of that letter

To Director of Liverpool FC
Dear Jürgen Norbert Klopp

I’m writing to you so I can inform you about one of your prime sponsor, to let you know of their fraudulent criminal actions around the world.
Sorry I’m not good at putting letters together, but feel you have the right to know about Banc de Binary. How they are a fraudulent company, preying on peoples feeling and emotions.

I will let you know that today; I am filling criminal fraudulent charges with the UK police force, Cyprus police force, Cyprus financial Ombudsman and Cyprus Securities and exchange commission as they are the Banc de Binary regulator. Now I will point you to some open forums, so you can check out what people around the world are saying about Banc De Binary. How they are praying on helpless people around the world.

I feel it’s your right to know this, so you can look in to this yourself as you have the right to protect your supporter. I wouldn’t like any of your supporters in the club to be scammed out of their life saving, even more now that I have brought this to your attention. When Banc De binary uses your name in their scam, this is already apparent now as they are using your logo on their emails and website to lead people in a faults belief.
I will say to you that although I mayn’t post this letter in the open forums that I am using to fight Bank De Binary. I will be saying that I have written to Liverpool fc and Slandered charter.
That I would be happy to pass a copy of this letter to anyone how would ask for a copy so that they can also use it or sign their name to the letter.

I thank you for your time in this matter and I will try to give you time to look in to this for yourself, before it may go to press. I have no wish for that to happen, but at this time I have no idea where this may go. Or if Banc De Binary will return my £76500 that they have scammed out of me over the last year.

I can’t seem to find a customer service email that I can send this letter to. If you would like this in an email format, so that you are able to follow the links in this letter I would be pleased to forward it to you if you contact me on

I am just one of many people you will come a cross, that have been scammed out of their life saving by this company that is now using your logo and good name, to help carry out their Scam to the world.

Thank you for your time in this matter.

Pete Murphy

Good letter but Jurgen Klopp is the manager of the football team. He would have no control over who Liverpool FC accept as sponsors. You need to send it to their corporate office or PR department instead. I think I'll also send them a letter informing of Banc de Binary's unlawful practices.
One note: Don't copy someone else's letter when writing to LiverPool FC. Tell your own story about how your money was stolen. Include links to items at FPA, CFTC, Cysec, and Times of Israel.

If a bunch of identical letters come in, those don't get nearly as much weight as letters detailing individual scam events.
Here's another Banc de Binary scam ... disguised as a work from home scheme!!!! OMG! The depths of depravity ..... mastermyfinance.com/online-wealth-markets-scam-review/

The "partner" is Banc de Binary on the actual website no doubt marketed with different "customers" and targeted at various countries!
Here's another Banc de Binary scam ... disguised as a work from home scheme!!!! OMG! The depths of depravity ..... mastermyfinance.com/online-wealth-markets-scam-review/

The "partner" is Banc de Binary on the actual website no doubt marketed with different "customers" and targeted at various countries!

Banc de Binary is now still trying to scam more people around the world via a "work from home" scheme where "You're one step away from your pay day", but which is nothing more than a major scam, via "referral clicks with Amazon, Google, Walmart, Delta, Apple and more" and all with the same photo of the cheque with the same cheque number, date and amount "earned" in different names, and with the same background photo of the exact same BMW they had all bought with their "income" from these sites for new victims in Malaysia which I have recently come across in my search for more Banc de Binary scams (I'm assuming that the countries will differ based on the potential victims' locations when "landing" on the scam webpage) -
(1) http://st365news.com/MY/business_ti...650316&accid=9997&wid=22982&ang=ang1&angad=1a,

(2) http://st365news.com/MY/Online-Wealth-Markets_MY_ma/earn-RM25k-a-month-from-home.html?voluumdata=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&city=Local%20Area&state=Local%20Area&country=Malaysia&boostid=66914&cid=573287&accid=9997&wid=29115&ang=ang6&angad=ma,

(3) http://st365news.com/MY/Online-Wealth-Markets_MY_2/menjana-pendapatan-RM25K-bulan-dengan-bekerja-dari-rumah.html?voluumdata=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&city=Local%20Area&state=Local%20Area&country=Malaysia&boostid=66914&cid=577021&accid=9997&wid=29115&ang=ang7&angad=7a, and

(4) http://st365news.com/MY/Online-Wealth-Markets_MY/earn-RM25k-a-month-from-home.html?voluumdata=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&city=Local%20Area&state=Local%20Area&country=Malaysia&boostid=66914&cid=545304&accid=9997&wid=29115&ang=ang1&angad=1a

and the "official" website to click on to deposit and join this "click" work from home scheme takes you to register with the Online Wealth Markets "official partner", Banc de Binary, at https://www.onlinewealthmarkets.com...FOO5CTGMPU20ES&s2=ang1&s3=1a&click=1340900601

This "work from home" scheme has also been confirmed as a scam at - http://mastermyfinance.com/online-wealth-markets-scam-review/.

with the assistance of their partner "Banc de Binary is NOT a SCAM" websites such as http://www.quintup.com/online-wealth-markets-review-software-scam/.

I shudder to think of how many more new victims globally have fallen prey to these unconscionable scammers as I still see new Banc de Binary victims posting on the FPA forum up until today, and like most of us, these new victims are probably the tip of the iceberg who have by chance, stumbled onto this saving grace of a forum to assist us all with advice on what to do to hopefully retrieve our money back from these scammers.

This on top of the other scam with the completely over the top and unrealistic pictures of the luxury cars in various countries around the world, where the cars and background pictures are all the same ... see my earlier post #308
Hello I'm Karol
I'm another victim of Banc de Binary. I have read many sad stories on this forum, wish i could find it 3 mouths ago when mr Alex Cooper( fake of course) called me with promises of big profits.
After 3 mouths of playing his game I ended with 775$ out of 7420$. i know its not a lot in comparison to some others( praying for You). I just lost last 2000$ yesterday, and today i found this forum, have no idea why because i googled banc de binary before.
Because of You guys my depression turned into hope, and i will be very grateful for advice for my first steps with fighting for my hard worked money.

what i did so far:
-yesterday i said my Account manager i wont do any more trades with him- 3dr time, this time final( cant believe i was so stupid to trust him that long, but everyone here have that bad feeling)
- today i had call from ''recovery department'', another guy tried to offer me tons of lies. i said i wont talk with him, i felt he get nervous about it.
-also send complain to ''complain department'' about how Alex.C misled me with false information about him and company( we are like bank, I'm here to help You etc.)

i would like to ask what should be my next move, wait for respond? or should i go to my bank for chargeback right now?

Karol G.

FPA Forums Team Note: Banc de Binary demanded that Karol G. remove all posts about the reported problem as a condition to send money owed. The FPA refused, since the demand is nothing more than simple blackmail to hide facts. The FPA does not remove complaints, but can mark them as resolved once any funds owed are payed.

Banc de Binary tried to get the posts marked as resolved in advance. Again, the FPA refused. The FPA offered to guarantee that the issue would be marked as resolved, but Banc de Binary said the FPA was not a party to the deal. Demanding changes in the content on the FPA's website makes the FPA party to any such deal.

Eventually, the client convinced Banc de Binary to send the funds in exchange for the FPA marking his first and last posts in the thread as resolved. This required Karol G. to act as an intermediary for all communication, since Banc de Binary still refused to speak to the FPA.

Karol G. now reports having received all agreed to funds. Based on this, the FPA considers the issue reported by Karol G. to be resolved. If Karol G. had an independent thread, it would be marked as resolved. Since there is no independent thread, marking the first and last post will have to do.

Because of the amount of time wasted, primarily due to Banc de Binary's refusal to directly discuss the issue, this is the last time such individual edits will be offered. If a similar situation arises, the person who made the posts will only have the option to leave followups indicating the issue is resolved.