How can the description at the top of the review review page be updated?

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FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
How can the description at the top of the review review page be updated?

The Forex Peace Army has begun adding short descriptions of companies to some review pages. These are not for the purpose of promoting a company. The contain 3 or 4 sentences telling a few facts about a company. The descriptions for a specific type of company follow a standard template.

The Forex Peace Army is willing to correct any errors. For example, if your brokerage previously offered over 20 currency pairs and now offers over 40 pairs, the FPA will be happy to make the correction. If your EA trade AUDUSD and the description says it trades NZDUSD, the FPA will be happy to make the correction. The overall wording style of the description will not be changed.

The FPA does not grant special exceptions and allow the description to turn into an advertisement promoting a company. If you are a company representative, you can login to your Company Representative account from your review page and submit a company profile.

If there is an error or update to your company description, please use the form below to submit the information.

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