How do I leave a review at the Forex Peace Army?

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FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
How do I leave a review at the Forex Peace Army?

First, you need to find the review page for the company. CLICK HERE to visit the complete list of all reviewed sites. You can search by names or use the Filter options. If you wanted to leave a review for, you can search for part of the name. Searching for forex or robot or even forexrobot would return a large number of results. Searching for reallygood will only return a much shorter list, including result you are looking for. (Note: There is no review page for This is an example.)

If you can find the review page for the site you want to review, look for the Add your review button. Fill in the form with your name, location, country, and review. Don’t forget to give a rating if one is appropriate. Make sure to hit the Submit button.

If you just want to add a site and not leave a review, you'll still have to fill in the review form. Just leave a note saying that you are submitting the site to the FPA for review.

After submitting the review, be aware that it may take as long as 2 business weeks to be approved. If you are submitting it along with a new site, it may take a few days longer.

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If your review isn’t approved within 5 business days, CLICK HERE to check on the possible problems.

Other questions about the Forex Peace Army’s reviews? CLICK HERE.
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