Recent content by fxdaytrader

  1. F

    Problem TheTradersDomain withdraw issues... anyone else??

    Here's something interesting. On July of this year, the CFTC added 34 companies to their RED list. The CFTC doesn't actively go out and find companies to add to their RED list. Companies are added after a number of complaints start coming...
  2. F

    Problem TheTradersDomain withdraw issues... anyone else??

    They have this notice posted when you log into your account: We are currently in the process of adding additional support staff. At this time communication is a little slower and we understand that. We are aware of all pending transactions and we are working through them. Having funds on hold...
  3. F

    Problem TheTradersDomain withdraw issues... anyone else??

    As suspected... there seems to be a pattern here where the very first withdraw a customer does is almost instantly processed. That is done to build up a false sense of "trust" with the customer (now you trust them because not only did you do a deposit, but also did a withdraw without any...
  4. F

    Problem TheTradersDomain withdraw issues... anyone else??

    When you said "first withdraw" that was processed in 2 days, was it the very first withdraw you've ever done with them since you created your account?
  5. F

    Problem TheTradersDomain withdraw issues... anyone else??

    It is now November 20th, and still nothing has been processed.
  6. F

    Problem TheTradersDomain withdraw issues... anyone else??

    Today is November 17th, and TradersDomain still hasn't processed the withdraw... should I be worried??? It's been around 10 days.
  7. F

    Problem TheTradersDomain withdraw issues... anyone else??

    I'm still waiting on the funds for the withdraw request I did on November 7th and November 8th with TheTradersDomain. A total of 0.85431302 BTC (bitcoin). As of today, November 16th it still hasn't been processed. I'll check back tomorrow with an update.