Recent content by jww

  1. J

    youtradefx refuse to give money back

    One month ago from cc
  2. J

    Problem Instructions for YouTradeFx and SunbirdFx clients having troubles withdrawing their funds

    Sending e-mails to Jonathan Logger ( I recived only e-mails from postmaster@ytfx - underivedable.I am sorry to sendig all e-mails to you . But without your help it is impossible. I said that other person .Thay have opened an real account at ytfx to check if I am right . They...
  3. J

    no possibility to withdraw funds from youtradeFX

    I have the same problem.Thay refuse to give money back Try to inform : IC3 Complaint Referral Form
  4. J

    youtradefx refuse to give money back

    youtrade fx are thieves. Refuse to witdawal money.Be aware .Only way to inform authorities
  5. J

    YouTradeFx Breaks Too Many Promises and Makes Too Few Payments To Clients

    I have problem to withdrawal money.
  6. J


    It is impossible to withdraw money .