Recent content by ryanlin

  1. R


    Hello FPA admin,i'll like to inform that broker IQ Option ( is not longer regulated by CySEC. Previously the company was name under IQOption Europe Ltd which clearly shows that regulated on CySEC below the link...
  2. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

    No way to chase back this money.They already blacklist you.狗公司来的,尼玛幸好我输不多!
  3. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

    Omg bro I'm sorry to heard that...I hope you doing well up there. Don't push yourself to hard. Karma will hit these Russian mafia scammer in one day.
  4. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

  5. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

  6. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

    哦哦,希望你拿的回你入金的数目。我觉得你去报案、他们应该会saman你、玩这些在马来西亚是不合法的,只有开bank的股票才是合法,你自己查清楚先才去报警。你入金是用visa?还是直接bank otp那种
  7. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

    我也是vip,VIP没有用的啦、那些account manager也是老千样来的、还有就是你的帐号太短时间里出金太多次和数目很大、加上你一次过request 出所有帐户里的钱。他们那边肯定走风控和以为你故意刷单作弊等等不合法行为。总之他们说的都是对、因为你已经同意他们的T&C 、所以他们才会敢敢block你、我每个月才敢出金4-5千马币罢了。你这个有点吓人。 所以你接下来打算怎样?
  8. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

    I Guess it is now impossible that he get back the funds. History->once account get blocked,you already doomed.
  9. R

    Problem IQ Option delays my withdrawal without any reason

    Wow,谁叫你短短几个礼拜就玩到那么野、这个broker 在MY 是不合法的ok!不要被骗啊,现在你的account被block了、可以放弃了,钱是100%!拿不回的。 你可以看我的post、我没你那么严重 可以加我微信linf_1119
  10. R

    IQ OPTION viciousness maniplulated investment limit @RM174

    My account recently having investment limit applied at maximum RM172-RM174 on both digital option and binary since April 20 till now May 1. Here is the video-> I've observed my account almost every single day,what i've had found out was this investment limit thing doesn't seem to change at...