Recent content by warpfactor7

  1. warpfactor7

    Profit Forex Signals (PFXS Ltd) - Ninoslav Golubovic

    I have for the last 12 month stuck by all of the promises they have made to me. Nothing has come true. I am currently looking at all forums that Nino belongs to, to engage with them. I will of course stop if all promises are met.
  2. warpfactor7

    Profit Forex Signals (PFXS Ltd) - Ninoslav Golubovic

    I have seen many negative posts going back to 2013 regarding Profit Forex Signals and all seem to conclude during 2017. I have my own story to tell........all backed up by a "wealth" of factual, email material that I am willing to share. My material contains many, many promises of monetary...
  3. warpfactor7

    Discuss (was

    Profit Forex Signals (PFXS Ltd) - Ninoslav Golubovic I have seen many negative posts going back to 2013 regarding Profit Forex Signal and all seem to conclude during 2017. I have my own story to tell........all backed up by a "wealth" of factual, email material that I am willing to share...
  4. warpfactor7

    Felix Longer Term Forex Trading Strategy from 09/05/07

    Long term trading Hi Felix, I can only echo the positive thoughts of the respondants to your long, and short term, trading achievements. I am new to spread betting and have previously lost quite a lot trying to fdo ixed term trading on BOM. I am now about to get my feet wet with your school of...