Currency Strength and Weakness for Wednesday 27th February 2013

Andrew Mitchem

Special Consultant to the FPA
Hi Traders,

I make my suggestions every day based on where I see the market heading over the next 24 hours. Use my analysis below to aid your trading and to help you keep on the right side of the market.

My suggestions are posted by 6pm EST each day.

Many currencies are in an indecision mode right now which means there are very few clear strengths or weaknesses.

Overall there is minor strength in the USD and EUR.

Overall there is weakness in the NZD and minor weakness in the GBP.

Today’s Trading Pairs - Likely Strengths and Weaknesses

Buy Trades - EUR/NZD

Sell Trades - NZD/USD

Happy Trading,

- Andrew Mitchem
The Forex Trading Coach
30 minute a day "full time" forex trading?

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Hi Andrew -

I'm surprised you stayed away from JPY today (I guess due to volatility) and AUD, which is also as weak as GBP. Also - CAD is showing a bit of strength today after job numbers.
Any reason why those other currencies are off the radar today?

Thanks as always.
Interesrting that comments are screened? say anything slightly negative and it doesn't show, like we cannot voice an opinion ? hardly a fair forum really

AsstModerator Note: Snowman, please see post number 9 below.
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Interesrting that comments are screened? say anything slightly negative and it doesn't show, like we cannot voice an opinion ? hardly a fair forum really

Hi snowman,

Not really sure where you get that from as nothing is screened from my side. I answered your question yesterday - did you not see that?

I'm giving this information and my time here for free so I'd be interested to know what "negative" comments you have.


- Andrew Mitchem
The Forex Trading Coach
30 minute a day "full time" forex trading?

Learn how I do it>>

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Interesrting that comments are screened? say anything slightly negative and it doesn't show, like we cannot voice an opinion ? hardly a fair forum really

Hello Snowman,

I believe you are referring to the negative comment you posted here...

The FPA forums are forced to employ Spam-O-Matic to reduce the number of commercial posts. The logic used by Spam-O-Matic is not always what I would call logical. It doesn't care if a post is positive or negative. I'm often surprised by the innocent and friendly posts it flags. On the other hand, it catches about 98% of the inappropriate ads, so I'm not going to complain about it too much.

Your post was only delayed. I personally approved your post as soon as I saw it in the queue.

The software automatically relaxes its controls as your post count increases. Keep commenting, good or bad, and it will become less and less likely to delay your posts.
Hi Andrew,

thank you for the recommendations yesterday I am up over 100 pips and could have gone much further !
Four out of the five trades based on your Buy and Sell tips were winners - with these odds and your Reward to risk ratio plus the free lot size calculator - I can see this may be a turning point in my trading.

Thank you so much and congratulations on your forex skills !
